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Panun Kashmir and Orzu Trust organises a Herath Milan Function

Jammu, March 07, 2021: Panun Kashmir and Orzu Educational Trust organised a Herath Milan Function at Community Centre Jagti today. The function was attended by a large segment of the people from Jagti township.

President Panun Kashmir, Virender Raina was the Chief Guest on the occasion and the prominent who attended the function included Sonu Zutshi, President Orzu Educational Trust, Sanjay Raina, Scholar and social activist, Sundri Lal Koul Secretary PNBMT, Vijay Koul among others.

The main purpose of the function was to apprise the younger generation about the significance of the Herath Pooja and also to impart them a practical training in order make them adept in the performance of the Shivratri Pooja in the right manner according to our Shastras. The training in the performance of the Pooja was given by Shri Sanjay Raina, a noted scholar of Kashmir Shaiva tantra. Sanjay Raina said that we follow the tenets of Logakhsh Rishi and perform the rituals, which actually is Vatak Pooja. Sanjay Raina emphasised on the importance of Herath Pooja and said that Kashmiri Pandits have been performing this for the last more than 5000 years and we must follow this tradition in letter and spirit in the same manner without any deviation or dilution.

Virender Raina while speaking on the occasion said that the Herath Pooja training has been organized to show to the younger generation about our glorious past and how the Kashmiri Pandits preserved their culture and traditions despite all odds. Virender Raina laid emphasis on ” Dhrmo Rakhshti Rakhshita”.He said that Dharma protects all those who protect Dharma. Raina said that more such training sessions would be organized in the days to come to connect our youth with the culture of Kashmir.

Large number of women folk participated in the event and a question and answer session was also organized to clear any doubts. Walnuts were distributed among the participants as prasad.

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