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This R-Day, J&K Govt makes hoisting of tri-colour atop Govt, semi-Govt buildings, PSU’s, mandatory

GAD issues order, asks Div Coms, DCs, Directors of PSU’s to follow directions in ‘spirit’

Srinagar, January 22, 2021: The Jammu and Kashmir government has made hoisting of the tri-colour must for all government buildings on the eve of R-Day, stating the national flag must be hoisted atop all government, semi government and Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) across Union Territory.

In this regard, as per the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), Additional Secretary to the Government, Rohit Sharma has issued an order under number 03-JK(GAD) of 2021, dated 22-01-2021.

“It is impressed upon all the Administrative Secretaries/Divisional Commissioners/Deputy Commissioners/Heads of the Departments and Managing Directors of all PSUs/Corporations to ensure that National Flag is flown on all Government offices/buildings across the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir on Republic Day, 2021,” the order, a copy of which is with KNO, reads.

Pertinently, Lieutenant Governor will preside over the function and take the salute in the main function, being held at the Maulana Azad Stadium, Jammu, a separate order issued by the government few days back reads.

“All Officers/Officials of the Government and Public Sector Undertakings, Stationed at Jammu, are called upon to attend the function as a part of their official duty. All Heads of Departments and Chief Executives of Public Sector Undertakings shall ensure their own participation and also of the employees subordinate to them in the function. Failure to attend the function will be construed as dereliction of duty and disobedience of Government instructions,” the order added—(KNO)

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