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Govt orders reopening of schools in JK from Feb-8, Mar-1

SoPs to be followed by staff, students

Srinagar, January 22, 2021: The government on Friday ordered re-opening of schools in Jammu and Kashmir in a staggered manner for physical academic activities from February-8 and March-1-2021 respectively.

In this regard, an order was issued by the Administrative Secretary to Government for School Education Department, B K. Singh, a copy of which lies with the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO).

“All government educational institutions including recognized private schools shall physically open in a staggered manner for academic activities. Summer Zone areas of Jammu Division for Class 9th to 12th on February-01,” reads the order.

Singh in the order also said that in case of elementary classes, teachers shall attend with immediate effect from February-1-2021 for preparation and students shall physically attend classes from February-8-2021.

“Schools of Kashmir division and winter zone areas of Jammu division will open as per their schedule that is on March-1,” he said.

He said that the COVID-19 Standard Operation Procedures (SOP’s) shall be followed in letter and spirit in addition to suggestions of District Disaster Management Authorities (DDMA).

Singh said that for the ownership of the initiative, a local committee needs to be framed per school comprising of Parents, VEC members, SMC members and other prominent persons from the habitation for monitoring and support of the School.

SOP’s for students and staff

The students can sit almost two meters apart from each other. In case of non-availability of such space, staggered schedule or shift timings and student rotation can be an option.

All students and Teachers should wear masks.

Hand washing points with proper soap should be made available for the students and teachers. Everybody should wash hands frequently maintaining proper physical distance. Safe water, cleaning supplies and, wherever possible, establish or expand sex segregated toilets or latrines.

In case of absence of washing stations, hand sanitizers of standard prescribed by government should be used as hand rub (for staff and older children who can safely use hand sanitizer).

Touching of surfaces by the students and teachers in and around the area of the school should be prohibited.

Disinfecting, sanitizing and cleaning the Learning spaces and surfaces in convergence with the concerned department and local volunteers should be a daily affair.

Personal Hygiene and hygiene of surroundings should be ensured.

While coming and leaving school ,students and teachers should maintain physical distance of at least 2 meters from each other and no student or teacher should breach this distance rule either during the schooling or while coming or leaving the school and in all cases gathering or grouping should be avoided and everybody should come and leave school individually.

Local community volunteers can be roped in to regulate in collaboration with school staff.

Every student or teacher should carry her or his own stationary and books and exchanging or sharing books, notebooks ,pencils, pens and other items among students or teachers should be strictly prohibited.

The student’s safety, self-esteem and security should be ensured.

Keep students reminding of COVID-19 related precautions.

Keep organizing COVID-19 Precaution related Quiz, debates, drawing competitions.

Head of the Institutions (HoI’s) and school staff should be well abreast with the procedures if students or staff becomes unwell.

Guidance should include monitoring student and staff health, maintaining regular contact with local health authorities, and updating emergency plans and contact lists.

Schools should also ensure there is space to temporarily separate sick students and staff without creating stigma.

Share procedures with staff, parents and students, including advising all sick students and staff to remain home.

School authorities should limit any nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving external groups in the School.

Director School education Jammu and Kashmir will strengthen counseling facilities for 24×7 for needy students—(KNO)

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