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LAHDC Leh celebrates symbolic Buddha Purnima

Leh, May 26, 2021: LAHDC Leh celebrated 2565th Buddha Purnima with a symbolic celebration at the Council Secretariat Leh in the presence of the Hon’ble Chairman, Advocate Tashi Gyalson, Hon’ble Dy Chairman, Tsering Angchuk, Hon’ble Executive Councillor for Agriculture, Stanzin Chosphel, and officials of the Council Secretariat Leh today.

In his message, CEC Gyalson greeted all the people of Ladakh on the auspicious occasion of Buddha Purnima and requested them to celebrate this year’s Buddha Purnima at their respective homes. He stated that the current Covid pandemic situation is the perfect time to revisit Buddha’s teachings as it can be the guiding light for a peaceful and sustainable world. He added that Buddha’s method of introspection and awakening is what we need to show us the path in these troubling times.

Later LAHDC Leh and District Administration Leh led by CEC Tashi Gyalson and DC Shrikant Suse distributed refreshments to the Covid affected patients and Para-medical staff deployed at SNM Hospital Leh, dedicated Covid hospitals of Mahabodhi and Ladakh Heart Foundation, and the Covid Care Centre at Dharma center, Choglamsar. All the officials reviewed current situations and assured all assistance in providing necessary requirements.

Appreciating the initiative of Blood Donors Association Leh, CEC Gyalson voluntarily donated blood at the Blood Bank, SNM Hospital Leh, and further encourages every eligible volunteer of Leh to take part in the noble cause.

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