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Kupwara police arrests terrorist associate; incriminating materials recovered

Kupwara, May 20, 2021: Police in Kupwara alongwith securiry forces have arrested a terrorist associate and recovered incriminating materials including grenades & ammunition from his possession.

Acting on a specific information regarding movement of terrorists, a special checkpoint was established by Police along with 28RR and 162Bn CRPF at Wani  Dorussa Sogam. During checking, one suspicious person was tactfully apprehended by the alert joint party.

He has been identified as Ab Rashad  Lone son of Gulam Mustafa  Lone resident of Nagam Karen Kupwara.  During search, incriminating materials including 03 grenades & 58 rounds of AK-47 have been recovered from his possession.

Accordingly a case vide FIR No. 27/2021 under relevant sections of law stands registered at Police Station Sogam and further investigation has been initiated in this regard.

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