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Kashmir Voice International, London welcomes DGMOs decision on LoC

London, February 26, 2021: In a statement issued for media Kashmir Voice International (KVI) London has welcomed the decision taken by the Directors of Military Operations of India & Pakistan to end the violence and exchange of fire at the Line of Control (LOC) in J & K resulting in the killings of innocent people from both the sides. This decision has started implementing from midnight of 24/25 Feb 2021 and any issue arising in future will be taken up and sorted out peacefully between two parties.

KVI has expressed pleasure and satisfaction over this decision which could be the beginning to the process of solving all the pending issues between the two countries peacefully and through political means. KVI appreciates the expression of will on both sides to give a start to end bitterness between two nuclear neighboring countries which is needed for the sake of security and welfare of more than 1.5 billion people of India and Pakistan.

KVI said that the peace between India & Pakistan should widen the great opportunities for the progress of two countries and also for the development of the whole South Asian Region. Should the two countries wish to promote the welfare of their people then they should learn from the western countries to resolve their issues and disputes peacefully. For the welfare of future generations both the countries should take steps to promote happy, healthy and pleasant neighborly relations and create a harmonious and friendly calamite in order to allow the people to draw closer who have shared common history, culture and traditions for thousands of years.

KVI believes that Kashmir is not a complicated issue. It has assumed the complexity because of the EGO of the two governments leading to the sufferings of Kashmiri people for decades. KVI wishes that both governments should address all the pending issues including Kashmir issue in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere as they have done today for the peace on Line of Control (LOC) in Jammu & Kashmir.

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