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J&K responds to disasters professionally – General Atta Hasnain

Srinagar, March 10, 2021: General Syed Atta Hasnain Member National Disaster Management Authority, Government of India, inaugurated a one day workshop on Incident Response System at Srinagar today. The workshop was also attended by Divisional Commissioner Kashmir Pandurang K Pole. Others who attended included Director SKIMS Soura, Deputy Commissioners, Chief Engineers various Heads of Departments including Director Disaster Management, Director School Education, Regional Transport Officer Kashmir, Sr. Supdt of Police Traffic, SP Headquarter Srinagar and senior officers from Districts.

General Hasnain said that the purpose of holding this workshop on Incident Response System or IRS, was to sensitise the officers, so that their response in any disaster can be better and professional. He dwelt on his personal experiences when he was earlier posted as Corps Commander of 15 Corp. He appreciated the officers of J&K for handling disasters in a professional manner.

Divisional Commissioner Kashmir gave a detailed resume of the initiatives taken by the Divisional and District Administration in handling various types of disasters, with focus on earthquake preparedness measures.

Aamir Ali, Director DM and Nodal Officer SEOC gave details of the mitigation measures taken by various departments in J&K. General Hooda shared his experiences of having handled the Earthquake of 2005, when he was the Brigade Commander in Uri. Dr. Babita from National Seismic Centre Delhi explained about the seismicity of J&K and its vulnerability. Brig Kuldip Singh Senior Consultant NDMA, explained the functioning of the IRS. Bilquees Dar Consultant Disaster Management highlighted the salient features of the State Disaster Management Plan and emphasized on mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in all developmental programmes. Ravi Kumar Panditta, Commandant NDRF 7th Bn  and Uttam Chand Commandant 13th Bn NDRF also spoke on the occasion.

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