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Govt. should return retrieved agricultural land to Mananu villagers: Manjit Singh

Poor developmental activities glaring example of discrimination with SC

SAMBA, June 20, 2021: Manjit Singh, Provincial President, Jammu and Former Minister, Manjit Singh today appealed to the Govt. to handover the agricultural land to the farmers belonging to Schedule Caste community of Mananu village in the district.

In a statement to the press, Manjit Singh accompanied by Samba District, Raman Thappa visited Mananu village and met the aggrieved villagers whose agricultural land has been taken over by the administration to establish Krishi Vigyan Kendra on over 400 kanals of land.

“The poor farmers should be given back their land by the administration so that they do not suffer from poverty. They were dependent upon the land for the last 100 years. They have no other source of earning. The administration should have given an alternative land for Krishi Vigyan Kendra,” he said.

He said that Mananu village is under development. “Poor road connectivity, and other basic amenities exposes lack of interest shown by the administration towards the locality belonging to the Schedule Caste community. These poor farmers have been left to the mercy of God following the snatching of their agricultural land,” he added.

On the one hand, he said, the Govt. claimed to have been working for the farmers to increase their income and on the other side, they have snatched agricultural land from many farmers making them helpless and face starvation like situation.

The villagers also appraised various other issues. The Former Minister Manjit Singh assured them that their demands would be highlighted before the concerned department for their early redressal.

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