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Crime Branch Raids, Searches; 3 Arrested & Incriminating Seizures in fake Contractors cards

Jammu, February 12, 2021: Crime Branch Jammu busted a gang of fabricators of fake contractor registration cards. In a series of raids conducted over 02 days in Jammu, Banihal, Doda in Jammu province and few towns of District Anantnag in Kashmir province byteams of Crime BranchJammu &03 accused persons viz 1)Nazir Ahmed Zargar S/O Assadullah Zargar R/O Dali Kuluh and Teshsil & District Doda 2) Gh. Mohd. Shah S/O Sh. Sonuallah Shah R/O Charel Lamber, Banihal District Ramban and 3) Peer Mukhtiar Ahmed S/O Peer Abdul Rehman R/o Qazi Mohalla Anantnag P/S Anantnag, were arrested in case FIR No. 01/2020 U/S 420,465,466,467,471,120-B IPC of Police Station Crime Branch, Jammu for their involvement in hatching criminal conspiracy with concerned authorities at helm of affairs and fabricating fake contractors registration cardsto use them as genuine andsubsequently participating in allotment of contracts forconstructionsin Govt. Departments to grab money through fraudulent means from the Public Exchequer.Searches were simultaneously also conducted in their hideouts at different places in Jammu, Ramban, Banihal, Doda and Anantnag and incriminating fake documents and other material were seized.

The accused were not cooperating in the investigation of the case and were constantly on run to evade arrest by frequently changing their locations ever since the instant case was registered in Crime Branch Jammu to unearth the racket, following receipt of a complaint regarding manipulations in procurement of contractorregistration certificates.  Crime Branch Jammu developed specific inputs about the whereabouts ofthe accused, on the basis of which the accused criminals were put under constant surveillance and were ultimately tracked and arrested to face the investigation.

A written complaint was lodged in Crime Branch Jammu by Contractors of District Doda through Shadi Lal & Lal Din R/O Doda, alleging that the accused among others had managed fake registration cards from the office of Chief Engineer Irrigation and Flood Control Department Kashmir, Silk factory Rajbagh Srinagar to grab Govt. money and there is a gang of criminals who are fabricating such type of fake documents.

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