We Need A Reservation Free India!
Opinion of a student on the reservation system in India
By Vikhyat Jamwal

On 29th of July honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji took the decision to reserve the seats of 27% OBC’s and 10% EGW. Since then, we students have been demanding the cancelation of the reservation in NEET. I am no Social Activist but I have an opinion and will talk on that basis.
When our country got independence from the British in 1947 it took us nearly 3 years to form the constitution, The father of the constitution Dr.B.R. Ambedkar wrote the constitution and, in our constitution, it is clearly written that India is a Democratic, Republic, Socialist and Sovereign, other than that there is also written that there will be Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, here the word equality means that the status and the opportunity and to promote among them all where in our constitution
we do not promote any one caste or any one section then why is this reservation necessary? This reservation was started by Dr.B.R. Ambedkar who said that the reservation was necessary for lower caste despite Mahatma Gandhi refusing saying that this would not be good for our upcoming society and generation. The Upper caste system and Lower caste system was only till we were under the British rule and also the system of Untouchability was only when we were under the British rule.
It is clearly written in our constitution that everyone is equal in dignity and NO Caste discrimination and socialism to any individual would be allowed or to any group of people or society, then why reservation of one community is necessary? It is not necessary that only General category students can score and perform and OBC category and EGW category can’t. We can’t give reservation to any one category either it be General or OBC. If there were no reservations from the start we would not have been demanding it now, whenever we open our school textbooks the first thing we see before our chapter is the Preamble of the constitution, it is written that we are equal and we imagined that we are equal and no privileges are allowed but after our 12th class we see it written in Big Bold letters “Reservation” and then all our dreams are shattered like a glass, if this continues soon there will reservation in flight tickets and everything around us. At last I would like to also say in Big Bold letters “Reservation Free India”
Thank you and Cheers
Vikhyat Jamwal
Class 12th
Dalhousie Public School, Badhani
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