JammuNewsState Politics

BJP leader Sumit Sharma visits GMC Jammu to enquire about cloudburst injured

Jammu, July 31, 2021: BJP leader and Co Convenor Sanskritik cell Sumit Sharma visited GMC Hospital Jammu and enquired the health condition of Mohd Imran from distt Kishtwar Dacchan a cloud burst injured .
While talking with Sumit, Imran said that he was feeling good now but his mother was missing, Sumit said that the relief team of SDRF and NDRF is in searching operation in spot and they will definitely find his mother.
Sumit Sharma also told Imran that if he needed any kind of help he could call him. After he met with Imran, Sumit Sharma immediately met with DR Bharat Bhushan Ji AMS GMC Hospital Jammu and asked him to plz look after the patient Imran and provide him every treatment which is required.
Dr Bharat Bhushan assured Sumit Sharma that the medical department has already look after him and provide him every faculty
Sumit Sharma also told  the staff of the ward that stay in touch with the patient

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