Online Religious conversion-unfortunate
Omkar Dattatray

Let me begin this write up with a verse of Srimad Bhagwad Gita which is relevant here and reads as ‘’Sudharmo Nindnum Shriya Pardharmo Biawahwa’’ which translates as it is better to die in one’s own religion than to embrace other religion.Indian constitution guarantees to its citizens religious freedom and one is free to profess ,propagate and even change his religion as per his/her free will .But under the guise of religious freedom what is going on in the country is induced and forced conversion and lately religious conversion is resorted to by online mode and application and it is a serious matter and it needs to be curbed for the sake of secularism and inter faith harmony .
Online religious conversion has surfaced in various parts of the country whereby the children are lured through online games and are motivated to change their original religion and embrace Islam and through online gaming a big conspiracy is carried and hatched to convert the innocent Hindu children to Islam .According to the police the gang’s modus operandi was to target children through online games .The ministry of home affairs and the Utter Pradesh government sought a detailed report on the alleged use of online gaming applications to target impressionable young minds and lure them into changing their religion .This comes after the UP police arrested one person in connection with the alleged use of an online gaming application to target children and teenagers for religious conversions .
It is so good that the centre and state have cognizance of the matter and an investigation is underway to find out how many children have converted to another religion as a result of the gang’s modus operandi .On Sunday a cleric at a mosque in Sanjay Nagar area of Ghaziabad was arrested .Police said a manhunt has been launched to nab the second accused who hails from Thane in Maharashtra .On May 30,a case of religious conversion was registered at Kavi Nagar police station in which too people were named and were identified as Shahnawaz Khan alias Baddo ,a resident of Thane Maharashtra and Nanni alias Abdul Rehman a maulvi at a mosque in Sanjay Nagar area .Rehman has been arrested .During investigation ,the role of Rehman in the conversion of a minor Jain boy and two Hindu boys was found and police have seized electronic evidence and affidavits related to it .On line game required the users to recite verses from Quran in order to win .
The teenage gamers are also shown videos of radical Muslim preachers Zakir Naik and Tariq Jameel .Naik an accused in numerous cases related to money laundering and spreading hatred ,fled the country in 2016.The accused also used to talk with gamers –children through a chat application and here they were shown videos of Zakir Naik and Tariq Jameel to persuade them to convert .A conspiracy is being hatched in different parts of India to convert the innocent Hindu boys to Islam through online gaming application and a debate has started across the country about the seriousness of the matter and ways and measures should be found out and used to break the nexus of online religious conversion to Islam .It seems that dubious efforts are on in the country to change the demography of Hindu majority India.
It is a matter of serious concern that under a well planned strategy of the Radical and indoctrinated Muslims deliberate efforts are under foot to convert the innocent Hindu boys to Islam by online gaming application and it is high time to curb the incidents of online conversion of the Hindu teenagers to Muslim faith through luring and inducing them. On line religious conversion of Hindu boys is a threat to communal harmony and it may result into destruction of secularism and thus it is very important to put a halt to online religious conversion which is spreading its tentacles from north to south and east to west and there is urgent need and necessity to discourage and expose the evil designs of the master minds of online religious conversion of Hindu and Jain boys so that it may not assume big proportions and harm the country. Thank God that the conspiracy to convert the innocent Hindu and Jain boys has been busted before it could convert boys and girls to Islam on a large scale through online gaming application .Conversion racket by the Muslim radicals is a big conspiracy against India to make demographic change in countries population with the dubious aim of turning India into a Muslim republic and therefore there is urgent need to curb the growing online conversion of teenage boys and girls .
Online religious conversion through internet gaming application has created serious concern in the country and if not checked ,it will lead to disunity and ultimately to disintegration of the country .Luring and enticing the young and impressionable minds is the latest modus operandi to convert Hindu boys and girls by means of online gaming application .It is the modern way to convert Hindus to Muslim faith and to spread religious hatred and venom in our multi-religious country .Innocent Hindu boys as well as girls are induced and enticed to embrace Islam through online gaming application .Radical religious education and the so called benefits of embracing Islam is brought home to the young minds so that they are lured and enticed to convert to Islam .It is very unfortunate that religious freedom of the country is misused to convert young boys and girls to Islam by luring them through online gaming. The online Jihad is spreading its tentacles in Punjab ,Haryana ,UP ,Gujarat and Maharashtra and there is urgent need to curb it .Children should be saved from being lured in online gaming for the purpose of religious conversion .
There is terrorism ,pornography ,theft ,drugs as well as human trafficking and lately online conversion are done through online gaming and the children are forcibly converted to Islam. Muslim religious heads should issue fatwa against the online gaming to convert the innocent Hindu ,Sikh and Jain children .Religious leaders of different religious communities should condemn the conversion through online gaming .There is need to keep eye on the teenagers by the parents and social conversation should be encouraged and online conversion should be discouraged. Online conversion of Hindu children to Islam through online gaming application is gaining ground in the country and if required steps are not taken urgently a big number of the children belonging to Hindu faith will be converted to Islam and it will spread the hatred and radical education among young boys and girls by means of online gaming which is the latest addition to the itinerary of religious conversion .
It is so sad that in our country Christian missionaries and Muslim radicals and hardcore Maulvi’s are enticing and luring the young and impressionable minds to convert to Islam with ease and no resistance by means of online gaming application and this is very dangerous for the country’s unity and communal harmony .The centre and state governments should step in and take necessary measures so that the burning problem of online conversion will be shown the door .There should be cooperation and coordination between the centre ,state and UT governments in the country to thwart the dubious designs of the Muslim clerics and indoctrinated people to convert small children to Islam by online gaming applications with ease and without any resistance from those sought to be converted. It is the responsibility of the parents ,elders ,society ,government and the intelligentsia to keep an eye on the online gaming to convert the children and discourage it so that our children will not fall prey to online religious conversion. To conclude it is in the interest of secularism and inter-faith harmony to curb the scourge of online religious conversion so that innocent teenagers are not lured and enticed to convert to Islam.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist)