Citizen ReportingFeature StoriesNewsReligion

Thousands throng to Guru Gyagi’s 124th birthday celebration

Jammu, January, 28, 2021: To observe auspicious occasion of 124th birthday of Guru Gyagi Ji, a grand religious function was organized at Shahzadpur Kothi here, today.

Thousands of devotees including men, women and children drawn from different parts participated in the celebration function which started early in the morning with a prayer and was followed by Bhajans and Satsang.
The saints spoke of One God, Universal brotherhood, love, humility, simplicity, equality and tolerance.
While paying rich tributes to Guru Gyagi Ji, the Chief Guest SSP M.L.Kaith said preaching of love, compassion and togetherness hold more relevance in present times than ever before. He urged the Batwal community members to ornament their children with education which is the best out to empower Biradari and would also be of paramount importance in eradicating the most common social evil i.e. alcoholism which in one way or another affects economic condition of the Biradari members and is often considered problematic in terms of moral values. SSP Kaith asked the Biradari members to use their thinking power for constructive purposes and be innovative.
On the occasion, newly elected District Development Councillor Balbir Lal Tugga was feleictated for performing good deeds and doing selfless social service.

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