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Suspicious rice cookers found at Magam along Gulmarg road found empty by BDS

It seemed stolen property abandoned by thieves: Police

Budgam, Aug 02, 2021 : Traffic movement on Magam-Gulmarg road which was halted for an hour was resumed after four rice cookers were found under suspicious circumstance near Magam, were found empty after being checked by the BDS on Monday.

Official sources told the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) that four rice cookers were found lying on road near Agrikalan locality of Magam, following which a police team reached the spot.

“The vehicular traffic movement was stopped along the stretch and a Bomb Disposal Squad was called to the site, however, BDS found the items empty and later all three items were seized by the police,” they said.

In a statement to KNO police said that, “The rice cookers were checked by Bomb Disposal Squad of Police Budgam but all the four rice cookers were found empty. Apparently the rice cookers seem to be stolen property abandoned by thieves.”

They said that said the traffic movement along the road was resumed after it was halted for about an hour—(KNO)

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