
Strength and togetherness will defeat all the obstacles in the way of development: Rizwan Khan Buraq

Rajouri, May 31, 2021: Jammu Kashmir Apni Party Leader Rizwan khan Buraq Called a meeting in his native village with prominent citizens of saaj-A to discuss Current covid situation and various issues regarding development. Aware people to follow Covid SOPs and Weekend lockdown norms to fight against Pandemic.
Khan also discussed the pending road project from Saaj-A Main road to Bhatti Mohala and Bakhan. There were also dispute rumours about the Road project. But as per Review from punches of 4 wards of saaj they assure about the no objection. All Present members assure about the road connectivity.
In this meeting Senior citizens, Social workers and youth were also present. Haji Mohd Taj Bhatti, Haji Ali Mohd, Waqar H Bhatti, Mohd Naseer, Haji Fazal Bhatti, Nadeem Iqbal , MD Alyas, Punch Mudasir Hussain, Iftkhar Ahmed, Punch Shahid bhatti, Haji tahseen, Mohd Sayeed etc.
Rizwan Khan Buraq urged all of them to show strength and togetherness to defeat all the obstacles in the way of development. All the members of the meeting agreed and assured Khan for the betterment.

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