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SKUAST-TAJ holds executive meet, discuss issues

Jammu, February 07, 2021: The 28th executive meet was held between the office bearers of SKUAST-Teaching Association Jammu (SKUAST-TAJ) under the chairmanship of its President Dr. Vikas at Main Campus Chatha in which several agendas pertaining to the welfare of teaching association and overall development / progress of university were discussed.
Dr. Vikas announced in the meeting that teaching association has reconstituted Blood Donation Unit to create a database of all the members of teaching association so that Blood Donating Volunteers will be readily available at any odd hour.
He further informed the house that very soon teaching association will install a water cooler at Main Campus Chatha in the loving memory of their member Dr. RK Gupta who left for heavenly abode on 25th December, 2020.
The executive committee of teaching association unanimously expressed concern regarding the promotion of teachers who are due for AGP of Rs. 7000 and AGP of Rs. 8000.
The house also stressed for the CAS of Programme Assistants working in different Krishi Vigyan Kendras of SKUAST-Jammu. President SKUAST-TAJ Dr. Vikas Sharma informed the house that the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor has already been appraised about the above mentioned issues and he assured to solve these agendas as soon as possible.
Besides, Dr. Vivak M Arya-General Secretary, Dr. Pradeep Kumar Rai-Joint Secretary, Dr Devinder Sharma-Publicity Secretary, Dr. Rajeev Bharat-Treasurer, the meeting was attended by Dr. RK Samnotra Advisor of the association and Dr Poonam Parihaar, Executive Member


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