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SDM Drass discusses COVID-19 Vaccination measures for left out beneficiaries with PRI members, officers of Health Department

KARGIL, JULY 06, 2021: In order to discuss measures for intensifying the ongoing COVID-19 vaccination drive for the left out population, and to ensure 100% vaccine coverage in the sub division, Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Drass Anwar Hussain convened a meeting of the BDC Chairpersons, Sarpanchs and concerned officers of Health Department here today.

BDC Chairpersons of Drass and Bhimbat, Block Medical Officer (BMO) Drass Dr Reyaz Ahmad, CHO Drass Sakina Banoo, Sarpanchs of different halqas besides other concerned officers attended the meeting.

The SDM Drass while expressing thankfulness to the BDC Chairpersons and Sarpanchs for their notable support and cooperation to the Administration so far in the effective execution of the COVID-19 vaccination programme in Drass Sub Division urged them to extend their continued support, so as to achieve the target of 100% vaccination coverage during the coming days.

The BDC Chairpersons of Drass and Bhimbat besides all Sarpanchs assured the SDM and the officers of Health Department that they would extend all out support to the Administration in ensuring cent percent COVID-19 vaccination coverage in the Sub division in the coming days.

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