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Rana pitches for Panchayat level vaccination, testing camps


Jammu, May 25, 2021: Appreciating the administration for setting up of Covid Care Centres (CCC) at Panchayat level, National Conference Provincial President Mr Devender Singh Rana today sought all the beds there to be oxygenated and adequate stocking of medicines ensured on fast-track basis.

“Now that the CCCs have been put in place, these are to be strengthened with all requisite logistics, not only for care and treatment of the corona patients but also easing out pressure on the tertiary hospitals”, Mr Rana demanded while interacting with the National Conference functionaries at Panchayat level in the Jammu Division in virtual mode, as part of the campaign ‘TEEKA LAGAO, CORONA BHAGAO’.

He also pleaded for holding Covid testing camps also at the Panchayat level besides evolving a general strategy of providing contact-less corona kits to the affected patients in home-quarantine. This will lessen the risk of contracting infection, he said.

Mr Rana reiterated the imperative of vaccination for combating the virus and urged the administration to roll out a strategy for holding camps at the Panchayat levels for vaccination and inoculating old, sick, infirm and differently-abled persons at their homes to achieve the objective of jabs to all. He sought adequate procurement of vaccines to meet the demands especially in the 18-44 age group which is more vulnerable to the second wave. He said the process of registration and allotment of slots needs to be streamlined in order to cover more and more targeted groups. The obtaining ‘wait’ on the Cowin platform for slots has to be reduced and this can be done by increasing the vaccination centres at the Panchayat levels besides other urban and semi-urban centres, he added.

The Provincial President lauded the frontline warriors for their tireless efforts and contribution despite various odds in saving the people and urged the administration to extend the incentives to such employees also who have been detailed for COVID related duties. They are equally the frontline warriors, as they too are exposed to the risks while performing duties.

Referring to the move about holding of 12th Class CBSE examinations, Mr Rana cautioned against any hasty decision in the larger interest of children. Since they are not eligible for inoculation, putting them to risk will be unwise. Equally inappropriate will be the deployment of supervisory staff at the examination centres due to recent surge in the cases, he said, hoping that the government will take a conscious decision after taking into account the ground realities and concerns of the parents.

He said a major chunk of the population, especially the daily earners, have been rendered jobless due to lockdown or the restriction of the Corona Curfew and called for expanding the mechanism of providing financial assistance to the affected segments of the society. This is a humanitarian problem which calls for the governmental and societal response in a big way, he maintained.

Mr Rana said that since life has come to grinding halt due to the virus, some of the service sectors need to put an extra effort in mitigating the problems of the people. The rural areas are reeling under unscheduled power cuts and erratic drinking water supply, which becomes unbearable in this summer period and hence a coordinated effort should be made to ensure these essential services at all costs. Also, a plan should be worked out with regard to replacement of damaged transformers in a time bound manner, he added.

The Provincial President urged the cadre to reach out to the suffering people by observing the mandated Covid Appropriate Behaviour as also facilitate the eligible groups in getting registered for vaccination and obtaining slots at the nearest accredited centres.


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