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Rana lambasts Pakistan for Jammu Airport blasts

Jammu, June 27, 2021: National Conference Provincial President Mr Devender Singh Rana today condemned the drone attack triggering two blasts at the Jammu Airport, saying the new dimension to terrorism by the rogue state of Pakistan is highly reprehensible and a challenge to the civilised society.

“By engineering the terror attack, the intentions of Pakistan are exposed beyond any doubt, especially as the hostile neighbour pretended to implement ceasefire on the Line of Control and International Border in Jammu and Kashmir, as a ploy and facade to demonstrate its desire to bring thaw in the Indo-Pak relations”, Mr Rana said in a statement.

He, however, expressed relief that the blasts did not cause any loss to life.

Mr Rana said that such terror attacks would not demoralise the people of Jammu and Kashmir, who are determined to fight the scourge of terrorism unleashed and sponsored by Pakistan and its notorious intelligence agency ISI unitedly. He said the people are united at this hour of challenge posed by the enemies of humanity and face it with courage and fortitude.

“The people are behind the security forces in foiling the machinations of terrorists and their mentors”, Mr Rana said, hoping the unity between communities is a befitting reply to the enemies of peace.

The Provincial President also expressed satisfaction over the timely detection of IED explosives by the police, saying they deserve compliments from the indebted people for averting a major catastrophe.

Mr Rana said the peace loving people of the Jammu region, irrespective of religion, cast and creed have always condemned terrorism, as this is against the civilised way of life. No religion approves of violence against humanity and the terrorists have no religion, he added.

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