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Rajinder Premi gets another order from NHRC, seeks its implementation, recognition of Martyr Sarwanand Koul Premi by GoI

NHRC passes another order

New Delhi, July 20, 2021: Rajinder Premi son of martyr Sarwanand Koul Premi has got yet another order from the National Human Rights Commission regarding the brutal murder of his father and brother and has sought its implementation by the government of J&K besides recognising the sacrifice of his father by instituting an award in his name and honouring him with a Padma award.

In a letter to culture ministry, he has listed the sacrifices of his family and also attached the recent order of NHRC which is reproduced verbatim below.


Shri prahalad Singh Patel.
Hon’ble MOS(I/C) Culture,
Govt:of India,

Subject: Request for your early intervention
Reference : My earlier mails, requests and reminders.

Respected Sir,

Our family trauma is too well known to need a repetition.  My father Sh. Sarvanand Kaul Premi, along with my young married brother Verinder (27) were kidnapped and assassinated by the terrorist in Kashmir, in April 1990.  The family also lost quite a lot of property looted away by the kidnapper/terrorist.  This was a severe blow to the belief of the family stood for and the family migrated from Kashmir only in this backdrop.

Our two native residential houses, along with , cowshed and our local temple have also since been burnt down.  The full details of the whole case are given in the enclosed papers.  Although much was promised to us but nothing substantial has been done.  In the year 2012  J&K SHRC in its D B Judgment dated 22.02.2012 has made certain valid recommendation, which have also not been translated into action,so far.

Late Sarwanand Kaul Premi was well known freedom-fighter and reputed philanthropist.  He was an ardent Gandhian, an eminent scholar and a social -reformer.  He was well -known for his literary and cultural work for promotion of communal amity, harmony and brotherhood in Kashmir.  He was also a well known Poet, Journalist and a reputed author.  He has authored more than 3 dozen books and has also left many manuscripts behind him.  Translations of Srimad Bhagvat Gita, Ramyan, Tagores world famous Gitanjali are to his credit.
He was a patriot, humanist and a teacher.  He was a hard core secularist and worked ceaselessly for national understanding and integration.  He was one of those very few self -less personalities, who never wanted to come to the lime- light in his life time.  His views on the on the J&K States accession with India and States in dissoluble ties with the rest of the Country was a cause of anger among the subversive elements.  He had kept a copy of the ‘Quran’ in his puja rook for his regular study.  Sahatiya Academy as well as J&K Cultural Academy have both published monographs on his life, works and contribution to various fields of life.

In view of the foregoing may I therefore, take a liberty of requesting you, for your approval, the following genuine and justified demands of the family for commemoration of Amanshaheed Sarvanand Kaul Premi for :-

1.Conferment of any suitable (Posthumous) National-Award i.e. A. Padma, B. Communal -Harmony, C. Kabir -Saman &  D. Sardar -Patel Award.

2.Commemoration by naming a Hospital, School, Road, Stadium, Distt.- Park, Library and Cultural center,a College & health centre & University.

3.Preparing of a film on his life & works.

4.Handing over the whole case to any Central Agency viz CBI/NIA for an effective & expeditious investigations of the whole episode.

5.Advising the Govt. of U.T. of J&K for early implementation of
the decisions taken in the various high level meetings of
the Govt; & also the Judgment
Of the SHRC in our case.

6. Construction of a cultural/ community -centre at his native village in Kashmir.

7.Keeping a corner in his memory at Shergari Cultural complex,at Srinagar,Kashmir.

8.Bulk Purchase of Srimad Bagwat -Gita(Urdu) & koshur- Ramayan, authored by Amarshaheed Sarwanand Kaul Premi,all over India.

9.Commemoration by the Sahitya Academy& j & k Cultural Academy.

I shall be highly grateful, to you,Sir, if you support , approve as well as endorse these legitimate demands, in view of his outstanding contributions in various fields of life, services & sacrifices, to restore long pending justice.

Sir,an early audience may kindly be granted to me to bring more details of this tragic & pathetic case into your kind notice,for early resolution of this genuine & justified case.

With warm regards

Rajinder    Premi


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