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Panun Kashmir virtual meeting expresses bewilderment at Imran Khan’s statement

Jammu, June 05, 2021: Panun Kashmir in a virtual meeting today expressed its bewilderment at the statement of the Pakistan PM Imran Khan that India should restore the position as it was before 5th August 2019 in J&K, for the resumption of any dialogue between the two countries. The Pak PM made this statement in an interview given to a Pakistani channel recently.

Virender Raina said that if this condition was to be met then Pakistan will have to wait till eternity for having a dialogue with India. Virender Raina added that Pakistan has no locus standi to talk about India’s internal matters. Jammu & Kashmir was, is and will always remain an integral part of this great nation. If any talks are warranted with Pakistan, that would be only for the restoration of POK and Gilgit Baltistan including the areas illegally ceded to China, back to India.

Pakistan’s role in J&K has only been to spread terror and mayhem and Kashmiri Pandits have been it’s frontline victims. The recent killing of a KP corporator in Tral Kashmir is a clear indicator that Pakistan is continuing with its policy of state sponsorship of terror for the last more than three decades. It’s high time India declares Pakistan a state sponsor of terror and acknowledge the genocide committed against the Kashmiri Pandits.

Virender Raina said that the recent statement of a Turkic origin President of the UN General Assembly that Pakistan should aggressively raise the Kashmir issue in the UN, tends to encourage the terror machinery operating from the neighbouring country for committing genocide against the peaceful KP community.

The meeting among others was attended by General Secretaries Kamal Bagati, Upinder Koul, Convenor KP youth Sameer Bhat, Ashok Chrungoo, P.K.Bhan, Kewal Krishan and  P.KDurani.

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