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Panun Kashmir organises webinar to discuss issues related to the Covid pandemic and the response of the displaced community

Jammu, May 29, 2021: In a webinar organised today, Panun Kashmir discussed issues related to the Covid pandemic and the response of the displaced community in fighting the deadly virus.

President, Virender Raina while addressing the webinar lauded the role played by various NGOs and self help groups in organising the supply of oxygen concentrators and cylinders at the doorstep of the people suffering from Covid19. There were also KP groups that organised the supply of oximeters, medicines and immunity boosters. There were also committed groups and individuals who supplied freshly cooked home food to the covid affected families at their doorsteps and also in the hospitals. Some groups also provided dry rations, fruits and vegetables to the affected families in camps as well as non-camps. Although, the pandemic is on a downward slide yet all these groups and individuals are continuing with their efforts and have not lowered the guard yet.

Virender Raina said that the pandemic has taken a heavy human toll on many families. Some of the families have lost their bread earners and, in some cases, more than one fatality has taken away all the care givers leaving children in the lurch.

Raina said that while we keep fighting the covid pandemic, there is a need to take care of all those families who have lost their loved ones or the bread earners. The orphaned children of the victims of covid need to be adopted and their educational and security needs to be taken care off. The families rendered helpless and destitute need to be given support and relief by the government. At the community level we need to create resources and augment the efforts of the government to provide relief to the affected families.

Kamal Bagati while addressing the webinar appealed the community to come forward and help our brothers and sisters living in camps and non-camps and also relief holders who are living on a paltry sum of money. Kamal Bagati said that a corpus needs to be created that would take care of the educational needs of the needy sections of the community.

Upinder Koul said that there is a need to help all those who have lost their jobs and businesses as a result of the pandemic. He appealed the government and leading members of the society to create business cooperatives with soft loan facilities.

The prominent who attended the webinar included Samir Bhat, Convenor PK Youth, Ashok Chrungoo, Treasurer, Kewal Krishen Koul,  P. K  Bhan and P.K.Durani

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