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NC MPs seek release of all political detainees, end to political witch-hunt in J&K

Ask New Delhi to put J&K back on high-perch within union of states, restore infringed democratic, political rights of its people

Srinagar, January 22, 2021: National Conference (NC) on Friday sought an end to the political witch-hunt in Jammu and Kashmir and called for an immediate release of all political detainees, saying the unjustified and prolonged detentions reek of fear and repression.

The unwarranted intimidation and prolonged incarceration of political leaders and workers in Jammu and Kashmir reflects the atmosphere of fear and repression giving a ditch to the claims of government on bringing normalcy to Kashmir, said party’s members of Parliament Muhammad Akbar Lone and Hassnain Masoodi as per a statement issued to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) while alluding to the human cost of such measures.

“Such a policy violates people’s basic rights to free speech, association and expression guaranteed under the constitution of the country. The incessant witch-hunt over the unfounded and motivated allegations has also had a chilling effect on democracy in Kashmir. The Orwellian nightmare we are reeling through seems to be inescapable on account of ruling BJP’s aversion to empowering native of Jammu and Kashmir politically, and economically. The unjust measures of the ruling BJP are unfortunately ignoring the human cost of such prolonged detentions due to the prevailing pandemic situation, ongoing winter chill. On emotional trepidation the kith and kin of such detainees are going through is heart-wrenching,” they said.

In its capacity of being a member of UNHRC and bursting with global aspirations, Government of India, with BJP in its steering position, should welcome calls for accountability and justice in Jammu and Kashmir. “It is high time for New Delhi to allow democratic and legitimate political space in Jammu and Kashmir. Pushing its cronies and stooges down the throats of people of J&K will not help getting the democratic process in Kashmir on track,” they said.

They said the recent verdict of the people in DDC elections was the best antidote to policy paralysis of New Delhi on Jammu and Kashmir. “Far from capitalizing the overwhelming support of people of J&K for democratic process, saving the yet another generation from the problems of conflict and helping them to find a honorable future within the constitution of our country, the ruling BJP is busy rubbing their noses in ground. It is busy humiliating those who stood for the constitution and the unity of the nation, setting a bad precedence which would have grave consequences for J&K and the country in general,” they added.

“Therefore ruling BJP at New Delhi should without any further delay restore the rights and dignity of the people of J&K and put it on the high-perch within the union of states considering its history and ever important relevance for the secular and pluralistic visage of the country,” they added—(KNO)

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