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NC delegation led by MP Masoodi calls on LG, submits memorandum

Srinagar, January 18, 2021: A delegation of Party functionaries led by Party leader and Member of Parliament Hasnain Masoodi called on the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir Manoj Sinha Monday and submitted  a memorandum to him demanding  redressal of  an assortment of issues concerning the people.

According to a statement issue to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), the delegation comprised of District President Ganderbal Sheikh Ishfaq Jabbar, District President Kupwara Qaisar Jamsheed Lone, District President Kulgam Abdul Majeed Bhat Larmi, and District President Pahalgam Altaf Kaloo submitted the memorandums to the honorable LG at Raj Bhawan, Srinagar.

The delegation apprised the LG about the human rights violations, untenable detention of political workers and leaders, wide spread administration inertia, persistent closure of Srinagar-Jammu highway and curtailment of ration to people. The leaders urged the LG to expedite the administrative response to snowfall aftermath without any further delay.

As per a statement, LG conceded to the anomalies on the issue of curtailment of the monthly ration to people, ensuring the visiting delegation that the anomalies in the process will be cleared. He also assured the visiting members that a probe committee has been constituted to investigate into the Hokarsar killings to remove the misgivings. On the issues of political detainees, the LG said that steps would be taken to ensure the release of political workers and leaders. He also assured the visiting delegation members on early redressal of all the other issues raised by them.

The memorandum submitted by the party follows:

Shri Manoj Sinha,

Honorable Lieutenant Governor,

Jammu and Kashmir


Our Party has for last seven decades been striving for peace, progress, development and realization of political aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Compelled by the sad state of affairs prevalent in Jammu and Kashmir, we take liberty to draw your attention towards the plight of people for an immediate redressal.

  1. The most pressing of among all the issues is the human rights violations, the killings of the three persons in Hokarsar area of Lawaypora in Srinagar suburb’s in a case in point where the incongruity between the police and family version on the death of the three youth has created misgivings among the public. The ambiguous version of the police is far from convincing thus giving credence to the version of the family of three slain youth. Previously also, the inquiry into the Shopian encounter had revealed that the slain youth were not combatants but poor students who had come to Shopian to earn their living. The recurrence of such incidents, it goes without saying exposes the scenario of impunity in Jammu and Kashmir, debunking the claims of GOI on zero tolerance for human rights violations. Such incidents, we believe, poses a challenge to the permanence of peace in Jammu and Kashmir. Therefore we request your good self to expedite the inquiry into the unfortunate incident and also ensure that the bodies of the slain youth are returned to the bereaved families; the measure will bring respite to their pain. We also anticipate an assurance from you that such incidents won’t be allowed to recur in the future.
  2. We also take this opportunity to apprise you about the widespread administrative inertia that has beset Jammu and Kashmir. The people , we want to apprise you are have been already suffering on different accounts ranging from lack of tangible steps by administration to recover local economy , which had went into a tailspin earlier by prolonged post clamp-down post 5th of August 2019. The subsequent weather vagaries have further infuriated the people and costing them their business, agriculture, and Horticulture. The ineptness of the administration is also revealed by its poor response to the recent snowfall aftermath. The absence of essentials , stalled vehicular mobility across Kashmir division, erratic power supply and acute water shortage bring home how miserably has failed to take preemptive measures to deal with the weather vagary , which was already forecasted by the local MET office. The Snowfall has played havoc with the public and private properties across Kashmir. The losses incurred by people to their orchids, houses and livestock are immense. The impact of the snow furry on account of its immensity warrants an apt response from the administration to help people tide over the losses. The reparation being doled out to the affected people is diminutive as was in the previous instances when standing crops were damaged to the unseasonal snow during previous year. Therefore, we request your good self to expedite the administrative response to snowfall aftermath without any further delay; the response , we anticipate would espouse both shot term and long term measures to put economy back on the track of fast revival and mitigation of woes of people in wake of subsequent clamp-down, clock down and subsequent weather vagaries.

III. We also want to draw your attention to the Jammu –Srinagar National highway hiccups. The frequent highway closures troubles people across Kashmir by triggering shortage of essentials and consuming precious as well due to recurrent accidents. So far the administration has failed to fix the perennial problem. Of late the highway was again closed for ten days, after recent weather vagary, triggering shortage of essentials across Kashmir. The problem therefore warrants a permanent solution. We therefore request yourself to take necessary steps at your end to rid of people of the nuisance.

  1. Another problem, we want to put in spot, is the deteriorating health condition of the detained political prisoners. The continuous and untenable detention has endangered the wellbeing of the political workers/activists/leaders from our and other political parties as well. We therefore request you to ensure early release of all such detainees without any further delay. V. The curtailment of ration to people by the government has added to the woes of people during the ongoing winter season, we therefore request your good self to affirmative steps in that direction as well.

We hope that your good self would accede to our requests; we look to a prompt response from your good self on the issues raised by us—(KNO)

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