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MP Ladakh inspects screening facilities a Meenamarg Screening Point

Kargil, May 23, 2021: Member Parliament (MP) Ladakh Jamyang Tsering Namgyal during his visit to the Meenamarg Screening Point inspected the availability of necessary infrastructure and other logistics for the screening and sample collection of inbound passengers at the screening centers.

The MP Ladakh inquired from the concerned officers about the screening facilities and other logistics established at the screening point. The concerned officers informed the MP that around 1500 to 2000 RT-CPR and RAT tests of the inbound passengers are presently done daily at the screening centres.

While appreciating the 24×7 noteworthy services of the medical staff, police personnel and other concerned officials deployed on duty at the Meenamarg Screening Point, MP Jamyang Tsering Namgyal said that it is owing to their dedication and consistency in their duties in ensuring strict screening of inbound travellers that Ladakh UT has till now recorded a fewer number of COVID-19 positive cases as compared to other parts of the country.

The MP Ladakh further urged the officials to render their services with continued dedication and alertness so that precision and proper care is ensured while collecting samples besides smooth and hassle-free services are provided to the passengers and COVID-19 protocols are strictly adhered to.

Taking on spot assessment of the available and required logistics and other facilities required to ease the screening process and responding to the demands projected by the screening team, the MP Ladakh assured that requisite measures will be taken to ensure necessary additional facilities like waterproof tents, ground leveling, provision of better boarding and lodging facilities, and other necessary equipments are provided at the earliest. He also assured that matter with regard to the provision of special incentives for employees deployed on COVID-19 duties has already been taken up with the Government of India while the concerned telecom operators will also be directed to provide better mobile network connectivity.

Councillor Cha Stanzin Lakpa, Sub Divisional Magistrate Drass Ghulam Asgar, Chief Medical Officer Kargil, Dr Munawar Hussain Wazir, Block Medical Officer Drass Dr Reyaz Ahmad Lone besides other concerned officers accompanied the MP Ladakh during the tour.

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