Citizen ReportingCitizen Reporting JKLFoodHuman RightsKargilNews

More than 280 dry ration kits distributed among migrant laborers at Niabat TSG

KARGIL, JUNE 01, 2021: As a part of the continued measures of the District Administration to provide ration items and other essentials to the migrant laborers in the district during the COVID-19 pandemic, free ration kits were distributed among such labourers working in different villages of Niabat TSG here today.

Naib Tehsildar TSG Muhammad Hassan in presence of the BDC Chairperson TSG Haji Muhammad Tahir and the concerned Surveillance Supervisors of the respective villages distributed more than 280 ration kits among the migrant laborers.

Pertinently, around more than 4500 migrant laborers are being provided dry ration kits across the district as per the list provided by the officers committee constituted at the district headquarter and SDMs from the respective sub divisions.

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