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Kashmir Voice International welcomes Indian gesture of sending Anti-Covid Vaccine to Pakistan

In a statement issued in London, Kashmir Voice International (KVI) warmly welcomes the decision of Indian government to send Anti-Covid Vaccine to Pakistan to help save lives there. This is a good gesture for improving the relations after having taken a decision of ensuring peace on LOC in J & K.

KVI believes that decades of bitterness should not over shadow the common history of thousands of years were in people from both the countries shared culture of togetherness and harmony. The Sub-Continent is a large home of great diversities and promoting the welfare of all by joint efforts should help strengthen peace, understanding and love between the common citizens of both the countries who are interested in peace and progress. All the available resources therefore need to be utilized by both to eradicate poverty, disease and illiteracy.

KVI advocates that the spirit behind Indian Prime Minister’s unscheduled visit to Pakistan in the time of Nawaz Sharif, need be revived and measures taken to uproot mistrust between the two families of the Sub-Continent. The government of Pakistan should also initiate appropriate actions in return. India and Pakistan face similar problems and as such should work together and come up with a better story to their children instead of bitterness and hatred.

Kashmir has suffered a lot because of the conflicting situation between the two countries. Their improved relationship should be quite beneficial to the people of Kashmir who want an end to all the violence. A friendly and pleasant environment could create an opportunity for a peaceful resolution of Kashmir problem.


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