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Kashmir is a political issue and needs a political solution in the interest of lasting peace : KVI

London, June 25, 2021: In a statement issued in London Kashmir Voice International (KVI) has said that Prime Minister and Home Minister of India initiated a meeting after two years with the main stream leaders of J & K. The move is heartening but gives rise to certain questions which need be clarified for the public of the country in particular the people of J & K.

KVI believes that issues and problems can only be solved by dialogue and interaction with a peaceful approach but solutions could progress only if the parties are sincere and have will to sort out the differences regarding the issues. In view of this criteria the outcome of this meeting has been nothing, other than making leaders of J & K to accept only one point program of delimitation. The issues related to the situation in Kashmir have not even been discussed and not to speak of exploring solutions. Some of the participants in the meeting said that the meeting was positive and cordial but they should know that having meeting in a pleasant environment is one thing and sorting out issues is another thing. This meeting was without any agenda. The leaders of J & K should have asked for a clear and specific agenda before accepting the invitation to participate in the meeting. It shows that how much main stream leaders were keen, eager and impatient to just meet the PM ignoring the interests of the people of the state.  The people have right to know if the political aspect of Kashmir was taken up in the meeting and question the main stream parties whether the return of statehood minus LADAKH is the only objective they perceive?  Should these leaders have the limited agenda of the return of statehood, which is evident, they should recall what they said after the decision taken by the parliament on 5th August 2019. These leaders should introspect and see how they are disrespecting and hurting the sentiments of people. They can easily check their acceptability in the day-to-day social media.

Kashmir is a political issue which needs and deserves a political solution in the interest of lasting peace in the region. No patch work will be acceptable to the people of J & K. Any solution reflecting the aspirations of people of J & K and is acceptable to them need to be explored even if that solution is within the limits of Indian Constitution.

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