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JKNPP holding urgent meeting of leadership demanding restoration of statehood

Jammu, June 07, 2021: Prof.Bhim Singh, President, J&K National Panthers Party (JKNPP) announced to the media at Jammu that the Panthers Party shall be holding an urgent meeting of the Secretariat of the party as well as senior Working Committee members on June 8, 2021 at 12.30 p.m. in Gandhinagar, Jammu. Prof.Bhim Singh announced that the Panthers Party shall convey to the Union of India that people/residents of J&K and Ladakh are one in their demand that statehood should be returned to Jammu and Kashmir without any fail or delay.

Prof.Bhim Singh reminded Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi that he himself had announced in Parliament on August 8, 2019 that statehood of J&K shall be returned at the earliest. He reminded the Prime Minister that two years are over and there is no hope that the residents of J&K and Ladakh shall get the benefit of the Constitution of India as is available to all citizens of India particularly in Chapter-III of Fundamental Rights.

Prof.Bhim Singh reminded the Prime Minister of India that the removal of Article 370 was unconstitutional and against the spirit of law and commitment of the Constitution as the Constituent Assembly of India had approved the provision that the Instrument of Accession signed by Maharaja Hari Singh shall remain in tact within the meaning and scope of Section 3 & 4 of Article 370.

Prof.Bhim Singh said that Instrument of Accession has not been applied in accordance with the Constitution and the dictates of the Constituent Assembly of India. He said all Members of Parliament should understand that the Constitution of India when applied to the Union of India on January 26, 1950 there were only 575 princely states or provinces that were declared merged into the Union of India. Prof.Bhim Singh, a Barrister-at-Law, Postgraduate in Law with distinction from London University reminded the Parliament of India that J&K was not included into the Union of India. The Maharaja of J&K remained the Head of J&K. The senior leadership of India had expelled Maharaja Hari Singh and he had to shift to Bombay where he died in 1961. J&K remained an independent state when a so-called J&K political committee under Sheikh Abdullah’s leadership declared Maharaja Hari Singh dismissed on August 20, 1952. Under the compulsion Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru got Dr. Karan Singh appointed as a State President.

Prof.Bhim Singh said that the Parliament had not even touched the existence of Instrument of Accession.

There are several issues which have not been settled according to the law relating to the Instrument of Accession. Removal of Maharaja Hari Singh and occupation of the territory of J&K by Pakistan and China.

Prof.Bhim Singh said that the Panthers Party shall take up the first issue, restoration of statehood to J&K immediately.

ii). The Panthers Party stands for urgent election in the State of J&K which has lawfully with the command of Article 370 got Union (constitutional relationship with the Union of India). Therefore election to the State of J&K is essential to restore democracy, rule of law and sincerely implement the Constitution of India without any fail.

iii).    The Panthers Party shall fight for holding immediate election and then delimitation of constituencies under the control of the elected Assembly of J&K.

Prof.Bhim Singh declared that the Panthers Party shall be holding an urgent meeting with all the recognised political parties in J&K as well as the national parties operating in J&K. He shall decide these issues with the working committee as well as members of the Secretariat tomorrow, June 8, 2021.

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