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JAC of Reserved Categories demands implementation of all Constitutional rights

Criticizes PM for not inviting SC/ST/OBCs representatives in APM

Jammu, June 23, 2021: Joint Action Committee of Reserved Categories under overall leadership of Mr. Asad Noomani today condemned the attitude of BJP top brass when they did not call any of the representatives from SCSTOBC communities of J&K UT who together constitutes 65% of the total population of the UT. Asad Noomani castigated both the local and central leadership of the ruling party for repeatedly befooling the masses including SCSTOBCs on the name of development and benefits of abrogation of article 370. They said that great hopes were pinned when Hon’ble Prime Minister and the Home Minister of India while abrogating Article 370 declared that, “DHARA 370 KAA KHATAMA JAMMU KASHMIR MAINE EK NAYA ITIHAS LIKHYEGA”. It is almost two years down, but loss of statehood and abrogation of article 370 has done no good to people of J&K, especially the marginalized ones who repeatedly voted for BJP under your command right from 2014 Parliamentary elections to DDC elections. Now after failing to full fill the false promises, the BJP top brass has called a meeting of all the political representatives from JK UT and ironically none from SCSTOBC communities have been called to put forth the view point of 2/3rd population of JKUT in the All Party Meeting called on 24th June 2021. BJP even ignored their own SC, ST and OBC Morcha leaders like Er. Kohli, Dr. Manyal, Prof. Gharu Ram, Dr. Krishan Lal etc for participating in such an important and high level meeting. Are they worth not taking along to attend said meeting or they are in BJP just to complete the number for gaining majority. There were 07 SC MLAs from BJP in last Assembly but only one was made Cabinet Minister and others kept on waiting like crows for their turn that never came and BJP toppled its own coalition government.

Prof. G.L. Thapa (President SCST Retired Employees Welfare Forum) while expressing his views asked the central leadership of BJP, that who will discuss issues of SCSTOBCs in the meeting including constitutional rights that were to be extended to JKUT after abrogation of article 370, as promised by the Hon’ble PM & the HM.  He said that the Constitutional rights of these communities are being defied by the present JKUT bureaucracy who is acting as super Bosses, even above Advisors and the Lieutenant Governor Sahib. Even the bureaucracy in LG’s office did not allowed our meetings with the LG in spite of repeated reminder for last almost a year now. He urged upon the LG Sh. Manoj Sinha to tame the uncontrolled bureaucracy who are hell bent upon destroying all the welfare schemes meant for SCSTOBCs in J&K and further requested him for early appointment for discussing welfare issues of SCSTOBC.

Mohinder Bhagat (State President, Bhagat Mahasabha) said that Mr. PM as per his promise must direct LG of JK UT to personally intervene and get implemented all the Constitutional Rights of SCSTOBCs as promised while abrogating Article 370 as nothing on ground has happened for commoners/marginalized in J&K till now. Making roads, holding BDC/DDC elections is a routine obligation but welfare measures specially meant for SCSTOBCs in JKUT remained untouched and we are facing betrayal after betrayal since 2014 onwards in spite of hugely voting for BJP. Attitude of bureaucracy is going to give a stunning political defeat to BJP in JKUT in future and even SCSTOBC Stooge Political leaders in BJP Morchas in JKUT shall be of no help to BJP.

Prof. Kali Dass (General Secretary, AIBCU) while addressing the media said that the ‘SAB KAA SAATH SAB KAA VIKAS’ slogan of Hon’ble PM has turned out to be hollow due to its non implementation on the ground. Recent non inclusion of SCSTOBCs in the delegation of APM is live example of ‘KIS KAA SATH KIS KAA VIKAS’. He said that Mandal Commissions Report is yet to be implemented in J&K and OBCs rights are being eaten up by unconstitutionally carved RBA, ALC, OSC and now EWS categories. This is high time that BJP should act and full fill their promises.

Sham Bassan, (President Dalit Chetna Manch) while lambasting on the BJP and all other political parties including JKNC headed by Dr. Farooq Abdullah said that even the NC Chief did not bothered to call SC representatives from Jammu in their party meeting. Similarly, no such consideration has been given by Mehbooba and Bukhari as well. He said that the J&K bureaucracy by defying Supreme Court orders, Presidential Order,  protection in J&K Reorganization Act have almost killed the reservation in promotions on the plea that the matter is in supreme court. They are not giving any clear directions to the Advocate in Supreme Court to get the disposal of the case on merits.  Being hand in glove with the upper caste employees bureaucracy goes on bringing illogical administrative orders harming SCSTs. Committee of secretaries (CoS) has hardly any SCST officer and all decisions in such meetings are always anti SCST due to biased mind of bureaucracy. All this shall damage political system that survives on people’s voice & support.

In the end the members demanded separate meeting of SCSTOBC intellectuals, academicians, social activist and even politics of SCSTOBCs with PM to make him aware of ground realities if he wants to win elections in JKUT again.

Others who attended the press conference were Bodh Raj Bhagat, Dr. C.R. Munday, Dr. Haridayal, Loknath, T.C. Bavouria, Romesh Kumar, Abdul Majid Malik, Adv. Jehangir Choudhary, Er. R.C. Bhasin, Er. Surinder Dewgowda,  M.R. Bangotra, G.L. Rahi, M.L  Banalia, B.R Banalia, Kewal Krishan Fotra, Brij Mehra, Shashi Verma, Prem Kashyap, Narinder Dutt, Manohar Lal, Bahadur Lal, Dr. Vijay Shivgotra, Manoj Kumar, Anurag Khullar,  Sohan Badgal, Des Raj Sangral, Master Baldev, Ram Lal, Sardari Lal, Ranjeet Singh and others. 

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