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Historic and Bold Decisions by Central Government Have Transformed Jammu & Kashmir : Vibodh

Vibodh addresses Virtual E Chintan Session of BJP Jammu District

Jammu, June 26, 2021: BJP State General Secretary and former MLC Vibodh Gupta along with President BJP Jammu District Vinay Gupta addressed E-Chintan Session of BJP Jammu. This session was specially organised by BJP to discuss and deliberate upon various historic achievements of Modi Government. The meeting besides others was also attended by District General Secretaries and all district office bearers, Mandal Presidents, SC Morcha, Minority Morcha, Mahila Morcha and volunteers.
Addressing the meeting, Vibodh Gupta highlighted the various bold and historic decisions of the central Government under the able leadership of PM Modi which have positively transformed Jammu & Kashmir. He said that during the past 7 years abrogation of Article 370 was the bold and historic decision of the Government and this has further strengthened the BJP resolve for unity and integrity of the country. Besides this many other decisions of present Central Government like One Nation One Tax, CAA and on Triple Talaq have once again reinforced the resolve of the party to work hard for poor and weaker sections of the society, Vibodh added.
While referring to the construction of Ram Mandhir, Vibodh said that way in which this long pending issue has been resolved speaks about the maturity of the central Government and about the vision of PM Modi. He also gave a detailed account of many welfare programmes initiated for the common man during the past 7 years of BJP Government. He very specifically mentioned that Government schemes like Jan Dhan Yojna, Ujjwala, Ayushman Bharat and PM Awas Yojana have immensely benefitted the poor and marginalised during past few years.
In his address in the meeting Mr. Vinay Gupta, BJP Jammu District President appreciated Modi Government for efficiently handing the COVID-19. He said that today biggest vaccination programme of the world is being conducted in India. This he said could become possible only by the selfless and hard work of central leadership under the able guidance of PM Modi. In the concluding session of the meeting, Vibodh appreciated the hard work of party leaders and workers. He called upon the party leaders present in the meeting to conduct more such session in their areas so that common masses can be made aware about various welfare schemes being implemented by Modi Government.

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