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GoI asks J&K to surrender unexecuted civil works approved under erstwhile SSA/RMSA schemes

Srinagar, September 09, 2021: The Government of India has asked Jammu and Kashmir to submit a proposal for surrendering civil works approved under the erstwhile SSA and RMSA schemes in school education sector but could not be taken up for execution till 2019-20.

The record note of the project approval board (PAB) meeting of Samgra Shiksha for J&K held earlier this year reveals that UT administration was directed by the GoI to submit a proposal for surrendering these works.

“Moreover, the details of works approved under erstwhile SSA / RMSA and not taken up till March 2019-20 to be worked out and proposal for surrendering of these works be submitted to Ministry of Education, GoI,” reads the record note of the meeting chaired by Union Secretary for School Education & Literacy.

Smagra Shiksha is an integrated scheme for school education from pre-school to class XII to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education at all levels of school education.

It was unveiled after subsuming three schemes- Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) and Teacher Education (TE).

The issue of pending civil works had also come up for discussion during last year’s PAB meeting.

According to the record note, the J&K administration submitted that the pending civil works have been put to execution through the engineering divisions of the School Education Department and most of the works have been either completed during the current year or are at different stages of construction which shall be completed by end of the current financial year. “ The details of works approved under erstwhile SSA / RMSA which could not be taken up for execution till 2019-20 are being authenticated from the field agencies. Once the updated information is received and compiled, the proposal for surrendering of the said not taken up works shall be submitted to the Ministry of Education, Gol,” the record note states.

The UT administration was also directed to fix a timeline for completion of ongoing works.

“UT was asked to take up these pending works on priority. Further, UT to fix timeline for completion of all pending civil works,” the record note states—(KNO)

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