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FOB Rajouri, PIB Jammu organizes webinar on ‘Vaccine hesitancy among nomadic population-Reasons & Panacea

Rajouri, July 07, 2021:  Field Outreach Bureau (FOB), Rajouri & Press Information Bureau, Jammu, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India today organized a webinar on ‘Vaccine hesitancy among nomadic population, reasons and panacea’ in coordination with District Information Centre, Rajouri. The webinar completely focused on the potential acceptance or reluctance among the nomadic/tribal population of the district and the steps taken by the district administration like the awareness generation campaigns in the far-flung areas of the district.

In her introductory address, Ms. Neha Jalali, Deputy Director, Regional Outreach Bureau (ROB) J&K and PIB Jammu said that the biggest aim of conducting these webinars is to spread awareness among the tribal population of the district related to the COVID-19 vaccination and to clear the doubts if any by interacting with the health experts available during the webinar. She further elaborated that the Government of India and the UT Government is taking all the necessary steps so that this vaccination process must reach the last man in the last queue and not a single person is left especially in the tribal areas to get vaccinated.

In his Keynote address, Shri Surinder Mohan  Sharma, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Koteranka said that the nomadic population being scattered is rather difficult to find to receive Covid19 vaccination but the timeline intervention of the district administration & Health Department made it possible to vaccinate majority of its inhabitants in the hilly areas of Koteranka & Budhal. He further added that it’s the convergence and efforts of police, administration and health department that is yielding the fruitful results vis-à-vis Covid19 vaccination now.

Block Medical Officer, Darhal, Dr. Nagina Kousar in her address said that the public participation through awareness generation campaigns during the vaccination process created a positive atmosphere among the tribal population of the district which came forward to get vaccinated. She further said that vaccination is the only way forward to win the war against Covid19 pandemic.

Dr. Iqbal Malik, BMO, Kandi emphasized to use religious preachers to motivate the tribal population that Covid19 vaccination is safe & it this step was imperative during the initial phase of vaccination.

Mohamad Ayoub Lone, Community Health Officer, Kandi gave certain examples of Covid19 vaccinated people who despite getting infected didn’t show any adverse symptoms compared to those who were not vaccinated & had to put on ventilators showing adverse symptoms.

Besides officers of the district, ASHA Workers, Anganwari Workers, PRIs and students, Field Publicity Officer, Anantnag, Shahid Mohammad, Field Exhibition Officer, Kathua, Adil Shahmeem, Media and Communications Officer, PIB Jammu, Shiekh Mudasir, in charge FOB, Rajouri, Shri Gurnaam Singh, in charge FOB, Kathua, Shri Vijay Matoo, CDPO, Budhal, Shri Khalil Mohamad, CDPO, Darhal, Karamat Begum were also present.

Tehsil Administration & Health Department Budhal and Darhal also extended their all round support in conducting this webinar.

The Webinar was moderated by Shri Gurnaam Singh, in charge, Field Outreach Bureau, Rajouri.

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