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EC Mohsin inspects developmental works, takes stock of people’s issues, grievances, demands at Pachari, Dargo, Kukshow, adjoining villages

KARGIL, JUNE 28 ,2021: Executive Councilor for Agriculture and Health Mohsin Ali who is also the Councillor of Chiktan Constituency in the LAHDC, Kargil visited Pachari, Kukshow, Dargo and other adjacent villages here on Sunday and took stock of various ongoing developmental works besides also interacting with the locals to know about their demands, issues and developmental needs.

Concerned officers of various departments and the members of the NGO Ladakh Tribal Foundation accompanied the EC during the tour.

EC Mohsin Ali inspected the ongoing construction work of the road under PMGSY scheme at Kukshow village.

While showing satisfaction over the ongoing construction work of the road, the EC directed the concerned officers to speed up the pace of work and to complete the work within the stipulated time frame.

While taking stock of the ongoing construction works on Community Hall and Imam Bargah at Dargoo village, EC Mohsin Ali assured the inhabitants that all possible support will be extended to complete the construction work of Imam Bargah.

The EC also visited the lift irrigation pump executed by KREDA in the area.

Responding to the various demands and grievances of the locals, EC Mohsin Ali assured the inhabitants Kukshow village that kitchen sets will be provided to both the Buddhist and Muslim women’s welfare societies. He also assured the locals at Pachhari village that the remaining works on community hall will be completed soon besides the ongoing construction work on Sub Centre Pachari will start shortly while work will be started soon on the conatruction of the proposed meeting hall.

While interacting with the inhabitants of Dargo village, EC Mohsin Ali assured that all possible measures will be taken in a phased manner to resolve their grievances and to fulfill the projected demands.

Meanwhile, the NGO Ladakh Tribal Foundation on the personal request of EC Mohsin Ali distributed blankets to all households of village Pachari, Kukshow and Dargo.

EC Mohsin Ali expressed gratitude to the volunteers of the NGO and appreciated their efforts for such a noble cause, adding he expressed hope that they will continue such noble work in future as well.

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