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Devraj Thakur’s ascension in ABRSM National Executive Council aims at Reinforce organization in J&K

New Delhi, October 21, 2021: Two days ABRSM National Executive Council and General Assembly meetings were held at Deen Dayaal Upadhyay college New Delhi. On this occasion, organization’s  election was held in which Prof. J P Singhal was reelected as National President of the organization, Shivanand Sindhankera reelected as National General Secretary and Mahindera Kapoor as National Organizing Secretary. In this election Devraj Thakur, presently working as President of
All Jammu Kashmir Ladakh Teachers Federation aft. with Akhil Bharatyia Rashtriya Shakshik Mahasangh (ABRSM) Jammu Kashmir now inducted as Auditor and Member National Executive Council of ABRSM.
All Jammu Kashmir Ladakh Teachers Federation hailed the decision of National President Dr J P Singhal and National Organizing Secretary Mahindera Kapoor for inducted Devraj Thakur in National Executive Council of ABRSM.
All Jammu Kashmir Ladakh Teachers Federation JKUT congratulates the new office bearers of National Executive Council of ABRSM.
The appointment of Devraj Thakur, a prominent educationist of the UT, as the National Auditor and member of National Executive Council of the ABRSM is being seen as a  move to strengthen the organization & teachers community of Jammu and Kashmir.
Devraj Thakur is the first from J&K who has been inducted in the national team.
A former ABVP state President, alumnus of university of Jammu, Thakur is a prominent personality working in Jammu Kashmir. He worked as the State President of the ABVP before formally joining the ABRSM in 2016. He had lead many student agitations for the welfare of student community in J&K.
He was appointed the State President of All Jammu Kashmir Ladakh Teachers Federation aft. with Akhil Bharatyia Rashtriya Shakshik Mahasangh (ABRSM) in 2017. Known for his organisational skills due to his ABVP background Thakur was earlier made incharge of the Higher Education wings of the ABRSM to expand the Organization’s footprints in Jammu Kashmir .
“I will work with dedication to come up to the prospects of the organization leadership,” Thakur told the press while expressing his gratitude to the ABRSM high command for giving him responsibility at the national level. Thakur verbally expressed being the national member and Auditor of the organization, he would take every section of teachers and society and build the confidence besides working in Jammu Kashmir.
Speaking on the occasion, Devraj Thakur thanked the District units of the AJKLTF/ABRSM for honouring him and said that he will work to Streangthening the organization at grass root level. “Our mission must be to reach teachers up to cluster/school level and whatever the Central leadership will assign must be executed so that pro-teachers policies of ABRSM reach to every teachers and schools,” he stated adding that the mission of the organization is to make India “Vishwa Guru” and glorified in coming years and for that the efforts of every activist is must. He also talked about his social journey and stated that he has been working under organization for  three decades and will keep working for its betterment.

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