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Colleges re-open in J&K after Covid lockdown, authorities checking fever of students

SRINAGAR, February 15, 2021: The colleges in Kashmir division reopened after around 11 months which were closed due to covid-19 lockdown in March last year.
Sources said that authorities at different colleges are checking the fever of the students in wake of Covid-19 on the first day of College in Srinagar on Monday.
Pertinently the government on Sunday said that the colleges in winter zones of Jammu and Kashmir divisions with huge students enrolment will likely function in odd-even or staggered manner formula
In the last week of January, the government said that Colleges in Jammu and Kashmir will re-open for physical academic activities from February-1 and 15 respectively.
Commissioner Secretary to the Government for Higher Education Department, Talat Parvez Rohella had said that the colleges in JK will reopen on February-1 and 15 respectively.
In the meantime, Directorate of School Education Kashmir (DSEK) has also said that the physical academic activities in all schools of the division will resume from March-01. (PTK)

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