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CEC Feroz Khan takes stock of drought situation in Sodh Block

Interacts with locals to know about their issues, demands, assures short, long-term steps to mitigate drought situation

KARGIL, JUNE 23, 2021: Chairman and Chief Executive Councilor, LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmad Khan today visited different villages of Sodh Block to assess the drought situation in the area.

Executive Councilor for Works Aga Syed Abbas Razvi, Deputy Commissioner and CEO, LAHDC, Kargil Santosh Sukhadeve, Former CEC, Kargil and Councilor Yurbaltak Kacho Ahmad Khan, BDC Chairperson Sodh Zakir Hussain, SE Mechanical Circle Ladakh Er Jaswant Singh, ACR Kargil Abdul Gaffar Zargar, Project Officer Wages (ACD) Kargil Ghulam Muhammad, Chief Agriculture Officer, Executive Engineers of R&B-II, PHE, PWD 1st, REW, Mechanical Division, BDO Sodh besides other officers accompanied the CEC during the tour.

During the course of the visit, CEC Khan visited various drought hit villages of Sodh Block including Akchamal, Sharbatgon, Bran-Nak, Fikar, Yurbaltak, Nyalsa, Byama, Chutumail, Barchay, Tumail and Apati where he interacted with the inhabitants and took stock of the drought situation there.

CEC Khan assured the villagers not to get panicky and said that all possible help and support will be provided by the administration to address their issues.

The CEC was informed by the village representatives that Sodh area has been seriously affected by drought like conditions affecting their living conditions, and livestock and requested for immediate relief package besides measures to provide drinking water supply to the households.

The CEC Kargil said that apart from Barchay, Tumail, Apati, Chutumail and Akchamal, majority of Sodh Block has severely been affected by drought, and immediate steps are needed to ease the situation.

He said that a survey committee will be soon framed by the Revenue Department to assess the extent of losses, and soon a proposal will be sent to the UT Administration to ensure early relief to the affected population.

Khan said that the main priority in times of drought would be to provide drinking water facilities to every household in the block particularly humans and livestock.

He assured that the frequency of water tankers in the area would be increased and passed on spot directions to the PHE Department Kargil to install pumps and borewells at feasible locations.

The CEC while highlighting the severity of the drought said that short-term and long-term strategies need to be devised, adding he said that under short-term measures, borewells and hand pumps would be installed besides water tankers will be provided on alternate days.

As regards to long-term measures, the CEC said that based on proper survey, proposals will be submitted to the UT Administration.

Regarding the establishment of artificial glaciers in Sodh area as per the demand of the local population, CEC Feroz Khan said that the LAHDC is in consultation with SECMOL in this regard, however only those villages will be considered which have feasible conditions to set up glaciers.

He added that the artificial glacier at Apati has proved a successful model and will be considered for future funding to further increase its capacity to release water during summers.

DC Kargil Santosh Sukhadeve on the occasion said that keeping in view the drought situation and water scarcity issues in the area, the Administration is committed to take all short-term and long-term measures, adding he said that all requisite steps will be taken to ensure that the people get necessary assistance and relief.

Meanwhile, Former CEC, Kargil and Councilor Yurbaltak Kacho Ahmad Ali Khan raised the issue of the Lift Irrigation Scheme in Sodh Block which is pending from many years and sought intervention of the LAHDC, Kargil in completion of the project for benefit of the local population.

Responding to the issue, CEC Feroz Ahmad assured that requisite measures will be taken to complete the project in a phased manner to address the issues of water scarcity in the area.

On the occasion, public representatives and the locals projected various demands, issues and developmental needs mainly pertaining to education, road connectivity, irrigation canals and other developmental works.

After giving a patient hearing to all issues, CEC Feroz assured that all demands and developmental needs will be considered for suitable follow-up.

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