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CEC Feroz Khan takes stock of construction works on eastern portal of Zojila Tunnel, finalizes location for construction of welcome gate by KDA

Hails dedicated services of personnel at Meenamarg Screening Point

Appreciates volunteers, teachers, local people for successful conduct of community classes

KARGIL, JUNE 11, 2021: Chairman and Chief Executive Councilor, LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmad Khan during his visit to Zojila Pass today inspected the pace of progress of construction works on the eastern portal of the Zojila Tunnel near Spangla.

Deputy Commissioner and CEO, LAHDC, Kargil Santosh Sukhadeve, SSP Kargil Anayat Ali Choudhary, ASP Kargil Iftikhar Talib Choudhary, Councillor Ranbirpora Drass Mubarak Shah Nagvi, Councillor Bhimbat Aga Syed Muhammad Shah, Naib Tehsildar Drass Ghulam Asgar besides other concerned officers accompanied the CEC during the visit.

Project Head, Megha Engineering Infrastructure Limited (MEIL) Harpal Singh while apprising the CEC about the present status of ongoing works and the progress achieved so far since the start of work in December, 2020 informed that excavation up to a length of 14 meters inside the tunnel has been completed till date, while 50 meters digging will be completed by the end of this month. He further informed that around 100 meters excavation is expected to be completed during the next month.

Underlining the importance of the Zojila Tunnel as a lifeline to the people of Ladakh especially during the winter months, CEC Khan urged the concerned agency to accelerate the pace of work so that the targets are achieved in the specified timelines.

The Project Manager and concerned engineers assured the CEC that all out efforts are being made to complete the project within the stipulated time frame and the tunnel construction works will be continued even in winters.

CEC Feroz Khan also visited the proposed site for construction of welcome gate, café and public convenience by Kargil Development Authority (KDA) at Zero Point Zojila.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO), KDA Ghulam Mohiuddin Wani, Executive Engineer KDA Sajjad Hussain Wazir and concerned engineers briefed the CEC about the project which has been sanctioned under the State Sector Plan at a cost of Rs 149.12 lacs.

After going through the project details and assessment of the site, the CEC approved the proposed location near Zero Point for construction of the project.

CEC Khan along with the DC Kargil, SSP, Kargil, Councillors and other concerned officers also visited Zojila Top and discussed measures needed to be taken for the demarcation of a permanent boundary between J&K UT and Ladakh UT, as no formal step has been taken on this front so far. He said that the LAHDC Kargil will soon submit a proposal to the UT Administration Ladakh in this regard.

The CEC also interacted with the screening and testing teams including the magistrates, police personnel, healthcare team, teachers and employees of other departments at Meenamarg Screening Point and highly appreciated their round the clock efforts in ensuring foolproof screening and testing of inbound passengers. He said that it is all due to the result of their committed and dedicated services and alertness that Ladakh UT has recorded fewer number of COVID-19 positive cases.

Responding to the issues and demands of the screening and testing staff, the CEC and DC Kargil assured that immediate steps will be taken to address all genuine issues on priority basis.

Earlier, the CEC visited various locations of the ongoing community classes at Chokiyal, Throngus and adjoining areas. While expressing satisfaction over the smooth and successful conduct of the community, he appreciated the local community especially the volunteers, teachers, Village Education Committee (VEC) members and local representatives and PRI members for their active role in the on-ground implementation of this novel concept.

Exuding happiness over the proactive participation of the local community in hassle free conduct of community classes amid the COVID-19 pandemic, CEC Feroz Khan said that this novel concept has to a great extent made the community realize how their role can contribute towards the impart of education to the children in a well coordinated and result-oriented manner.

Meanwhile, the CEC interacted with a number of public delegations at Matayen, Ningor, Chokiyal, Throngus, Kharboo and other villages and listened to their issues, grievances and developmental needs.

The CEC assured the locals that all requisite measures will be taken to address their issues in a phased manner.

Regarding the demand for employment opportunities to the local population of Matayen, Pandrass and Drass in the Zojila Tunnel construction works, CEC Feroz Khan informed the locals that this issue has already been taken with the concerned authorities, and the LAHDC and District Administration is also pursuing the matter further so that the local people are given top most priority in the tunnel project works.

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