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CEC Feroz Khan flags off advanced life support, basic care support ambulances

Critical care ambulances for CHC Sankoo, Chiktan being procured this year

KARGIL, May 19, 2021: Chairman and Chief Executive Councillor, LAHDC, Kargil Feroz Ahmad Khan flagged off 8 ambulances with basic care facility and 1 with advanced life support facility for augmentation of healthcare facilities in the district at Tourist Felicitation Center Biamathang here today.

Executive Councillor for Health Muhammad Ali Chandan, Deputy Commissioner and CEO, LAHDC, Kargil Santosh Sukhadeve, Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Kargil Dr Munawar Hussain Wazirbesides other concerned officers were present during the flag-off ceremony.

Out of the 9 ambulances, 7 ambulances with basic care facility have been procured under the District Capex Budget at a cost of 5 lakh each, 1 ambulance with advanced life support provided by REC Power Distribution Company Limited under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiative 2020-2021, while another ambulance with basic life support facility has been provided by the National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) under the CSR initiative.

Among the 9 ambulances, 1 each has been provided to the Dedicated COVID-19 Hospital Kargil, RTPCR Laboratory Kargil, Blood Bank District Hospital Kargil, PHC Panikhar, District Tuberculosis Hospital Kargil, NTPHC Batalik and Block Medical Officer, Kargil.

Speaking on the occasion, CEC Feroz Ahmad Khan said that these timely procured ambulances will not only benefit the people of Kargil in crucial medical emergencies, but will also ease the burden of work over the medical and front-line workers. He also hailed the authorities of the NHIDCL and REC Power Distribution Company Limited for having provided the ambulances under the CSR initiative.

Reiterating the commitment of the LAHDC, Kargil for strengthening the health infrastructure in the district, the CEC said that while 2 critical ambulances were purchased for CHC Zanskar and Drass under the District Capex Budget last year, 2 more such ambulances are being procured for CHC Sankoo and Chiktan during the current financial year.

The CEC further said that the DC Kargil has been directed to formulate a detailed proposal with regard to the requirement of additional ambulances and essential medical equipments for health centres in the district which are expected to be provided by the (NHIDCL) under the CSR initiative.

Expressing satisfaction over the preparedness regarding the COVID-19 mitigation measures in the district, CEC Khan praised all the front-line workers and surveillance teams in various blocks for round the clock dedicated services.

CEC Khan also appreciated the support extended by the public in the strict implementation of the lockdown measures and adherence of SOPs to contain the spread of the deadly Coronavirus in the district.

The CEC said that any relaxation in the ongoing restrictions will be considered only after assessing the situation which unfolds in the coming days and proper consultation with the Health Department.

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