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Baisakhi, Navratri celebrated with religious fervor across Valley

Srinagar, Apr 13 (KNO): The twin festivals of Baisakhi—the festival of harvest and Navratri—the festival celebrated on New Year as per Hindu calendar, were celebrated with traditional enthusiasm and religious fervour on Tuesday by Sikh and Hindu community respectively across the Valley.

Temples and Gurdwaras were decorated almost at every place in Srinagar and elsewhere today while religious events like Hawan, Bhajan Kirtans and other related events were also organised.

As the festivals were celebrated amid the ongoing pandemic, the caretakers of the religious places had taken adequate measures to ensure that the COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedure (SOPs) are followed in letter and spirit.

Colorful Baisakhi fairs were organized at several places with people going to shopping, eating and recreational sprees.

For the Sikh community, the biggest function was held at Chatti Pathshahi Kathi Darwaza Rainawari in Old City here while Hawans and Pujas were also organized in many temples here including Sheetal Nath, Ganpatyar and others.

Pertinently, the administration had taken elaborated measures for the smooth celebrations of the festivals.

The concerned departments as per the officials were asked to ensure all basic arrangements are put in place for the devotees.

They were also directed for ensuring hassle-free traffic and parking arrangements and uninterrupted supply of electricity and drinking water. The departments were also directed to ensure proper sanitation at the venues.

Authorities had also made adequate transport facility on the occasion for the devotees traveling to Shital Nath and Shrika Temples.

At Chatti Padshahi Gurudwara, the concerned department was asked to provide required food-grains to the Gurudwara Langar offering free food to devotees on the occasion.

A medical camp was also set up with a dedicated ambulance and paramedic staff at the Gurudwara in addition to facility of thermal scanning on Baisakhi festival at the venue—(KNO)

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