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Apni Party leaders organize virtual meet to review  situation in all Displaced Migrant/Non-Camps in J&K

Express serious concern over the apathy of administration in paying heed to their woes so far

 Jammu, May 18, 2021: Apni Party State Coordinator Displaced Kashmiri Pandits (Jammu) Vinod Pandita today organized a virtual mode meet of leaders of Migrant/Non-camps of Jammu and Kashmir Provinces respectively.

The virtual meet was graced by the active participation of Sanjay Dhar State Coordinator Displaced Kashmiri Pandits (Kashmir) and Abhay Bakaya State Youth General Secretary to access the ground situation in these camps by taking feedback from the leaders regarding the prevailing situation emerged out due to covid19 pandemic as well the severe hardships being faced by them due to neglect of these people.

In a press release issued today, the displaced leaders of Migrant/Non-Camps of Jammu namely Ashwani Bhat, Ashok Kumar Panch (Udhampur), Ashok Kumar Pandita, Bansi Lal Bhat (Non- camps Jammu), Chand Ji Bhat( Nagrota), Dr. Ashok Dhar, Ravinder Rain(Jagti Township), G.L. Pandita, Inderjeet Raina(Purkhoo/Muthi camps) while speaking in the virtual mode meet said that despite repeated pleas to the administration regarding ensuring availability of  adequate medicines, covid testing and vaccination facilities and manpower  in Medical aid centers of camps/non camps, regular supply of drinking water, sanitation and spray  in view of surge in covid cases in the camps  of Jammu, nothing has emerged out so far  and step motherly treatment is being meted with this hapless community in this hard time also.

Vinod Pandita while addressing the virtual mode meet has  once again appealed  to  administration to pay heed to problems of the displaced community in this prevailing situation  as the problems listed by the speakers are quite genuine and deserve prompt  resolution on humanitarian grounds keeping in view the fast spread of covid 19 Pandemic .

Pandita appealed Lt. Governor, Home Minister and Prime Minister of India to enhance the monthly relief assistance of  displaced community from Rupees  13000 to rupees  25000/ as it has become essential in present time of  covid  as  displaced relief holders  suffer a lot financially   as the mortality rate  increases day by day and they cannot manage medicines  and transportation charges etc for going to city  hospitals  for their treatment on such meager cash assistance.

He has appreciated and lauded the role of social organizations who are working dedicatedly to help poor and needy in this tough time.

The prominent camps leaders from Kashmir Transit camps and non-camps namely Smt Dazy Dhar, Sunny Raina (Vessel Transit Camp), Arvind Pandita,  Meenu Raina, Akash Ji,  Sanjay Tickoo and others  raised the issues of regular supply of ration in the transit camps,  availability of  adequate   medicines , vaccination/covid testing  and manpower in the Health aid centers for residents, regular supply of drinking water and sanitation and up keep of this Transit camps etc and impressed up on the Government to addresses these issues on priority basis keeping in view the covid 19 pandemic .

Sanjay Dhar while addressing the meet said that the issues raised by the speakers are quite genuine and deserve immediate remedial measures for resolving   in view of covid pandemic.

Dhar appealed to the administration for ensuring regular supply of ration, sanitization, upkeep and regular supply of pure drinking water there.

He further appealed Relief Commissioner Migrants Jammu who is the nodal agency between the Displaced community and the Government to establish helpline centers in all the transit camps to facilitate and address the genuine problems of them in this pandemic period.

Abhay Bakaya while speaking on the occasion appealed administration to take immediate measures for mitigating the urgent demands of this community by way of ensuring adequate supply of ration, medicines, manpower in all health aid centers/SDH Jagti,  regular supply of pure drinking water in camps and non camps, releasing of two months  ration and cash relief in advance in view of pandemic.

Bakaya also appealed to the Government to carry out vaccination drives  at the doorstep of the people  forthwith to save the precious lives  from the covid pandemic as  well ensure the adequate supply of vaccines in all the hospitals, dispensaries , Primary Health centers in J&K.

He has suggested carrying out vaccination and Covid testing drives at Panchayat level on fast track mode to prevent its further spread in rural areas for the safety of the people. In the end a vote of thanks was presented by Abhay to the participants.

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