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Any discussion on Kashmir without the involvement of KPs is incomplete : PK

Jammu, June 19, 2021: Panun Kashmir political affairs committee (PAC) held an emergency meeting today here at Jammu. The meeting was Presided over by Variender Raina President Panun Kashmir. Among others who attended the meeting include Upinder  Koul General Secretary, Kamal Bagati General Secretary (Org), Ashok Chrungoo, P K Bhan, Kewal Krishan Koul,& P K Durani,

President Panun Kashmir Virender Raina while addressing a meeting said that any meeting on Kashmir without Kashmiri Pandits is like watching Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark. He added that Kashmiri Pandit has a unique and primary factorial importance and any meeting or discussion on Kashmir without the involvement of KPs would be incomplete.

Virender Raina said that It is very unfortunate that the indigenous group of people are taken for granted and not taken on board in any negotiation regarding their resettlement.

Virender Raina questioned the very need to resurrect the carriers of all those who are not in sync with the contemporary political milieu. Unity, integrity and social cohesion of the nation is paramount and that was in full demonstration when Art. 370 and 35-A were neutralised. There is no need to placate all those, not happy with the decision that was hailed by the entire nation as historic and epoch making.

Virender Raina emphasised the fact that Kashmiri Pandits are the aborigines and the prime sufferers of the terrorist violence in Kashmir and as a result we need to know the agenda of the All Party Meeting. If the representatives of the internally displaced Kashmiri Pandits are not invited to the talks there would always be doubts and apprehensions in their minds. Kashmiri Pandits have suffered genocide and ethnic cleansing in Kashmir and are a primary factor to determine its future policies

General Secretary Kamal Bagati said that Kashmiri Pandits have serious issues related to their permanent settlement in Kashmir in accordance with their geo political aspirations and also immediate livelihood and economic issues that need resolution. The KP issues should have primacy in any discussion on Kashmir.

There are only two unsettled issues in Kashmir, one is the resettlement of the KP aborigines and the other the reclamation of POJK. Once these two issues are addressed rest all will fall in place.

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