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Address people’s problems on war-footing: Congress

Jammu, January 24, 2021 : Deliberating on the prevailing social and political conditions in Jammu and Kashmir in a meeting held here on Saturday, senior Congress leaders expressed shock that while people’s cry for help has become more shriller due to heavy snowfall in hilly areas and severe cold conditions in the plains, both the Lt Governor’s administration and the ruling BJP has preferred to look the other way. They described the ground situation as serious warranting immediate direct intervention by Lt Governor Mr Manoj Sinha.

The leaders expressed their wholehearted support to the farmers currently protesting on roads against the three black-farm laws brought by the Centre which are detrimental not only to their basic rights but threaten the avocation of farming as a whole. They demanded that the laws should be repealed immediately as these are against the interests of the farmers. ” The situation is no different on this front in Jammu and Kashmir as the farmers already harassed by the administration’s neglect and harsh wintry conditions that have hit the agriculture/horticulture sector hard, are troubled by these farm laws as well,” they observed.

The senior Congress leaders including former Ministers, legislators and members of AICC wondered why the people were being deprived of the facility of 4G spectrum when they have been forced to work from home due to corona conditions. The students are the worst sufferers as their studies and academic work is directly affected in the absence of a proper internet service and that too when the Prime Minister was laying thrust on digital mode of working.

They demanded immediate full restoration of the network services and providing all possible help to the farmers to bring the agricultural activity on line. They also demanded immediate restoration of regular power and water supply particularly in the rural and far-flung areas.

The leaders expressed concern on the spiralling prices of all commodities in view of the sharp and continuous increase in the prices of petrol and diesel. The prices of petrol and diesel are presently at an all time high and have added to the misery of the people in Jammu and Kashmir. They demanded that the prices of petroleum products should be brought by reducing the taxes.

Recounting the good work done by the previous Congress governments for the welfare of the people, the leaders wondered whether the current ruling dispensations focus on symbolism and hollow sloganeering accompanied by hyped nationalism would help either the country or people in any manner.

The meeting which was presided by Former Minister and Ex-PCC president, Peerzada Mohammed Sayeed was attended and addressedby Sh.TaraChand, Former Deputy Chief Minister, Sh.G.M.Saroori,  Sh.Jugal Kishore Sharma, Dr.Manohar Lal Sharma, Sh.Vikar Rasool Wani, Former Minsters, Mr.A.S.Mickey Ex.Deputy Chairman Legistlative Council ,Akram Choudhary, Mohammad Ameen Bhat, Naresh Kumar Gupta, Subash Gupta and Sham Lal Bhagat Former Legistlators, Sh.Manzoor Ahmad Ganai Ex Advisor CM,  Mohinder Kumar Bhardwaj, AICC Member, Thakur Jai Singh Narinder Sharma,Rajinder Sharma Advocate, Smt.Santosh Magotra, Smt.Lalita Sharma, Aradhna Andorra,Rajni Sharma,Khushboo Bhagat and many Others.

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