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Achieve 100% vaccination across JK before deciding on easing lockdown: Kadfeen urges Govt.

Srinagar, May 29, 2021: Congress leader Kadfeen Choudhary on Saturday has urged the Jammu and Kashmir administration to speed up the vaccination process and include the below 45 year old populace in the drive as well so that the process to ease out the lockdown could be smoother and effective.

Kadfeen said that it is imperative for the government to pace up the vaccination drive and achieve 100 percent vaccination for the people ageing 45years +. He said that the process should be completed in all the districts of Jammu and Kashmir within a stipulated time frame and that before deciding to lift the curbs on peoples movement, the state authorities must achieve the target of vaccinating all age groups including below 45 years of age.

He added that the decision to lift the restrictions and restoration of economic activities is deeply and desperately needed to get the businesses back on the wheels, however one must not undermine the glaring fact that the threat continues to loom menacingly at the horizon. Kadfeen said that the measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 must be taken in unison and with all severity and only then should the options of lifting curbs be confabulated.

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