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124 bovines rescued; 21 arrested: Reasi Police

Reasi, July 09, 2021: Drive against bovines smuggling in district Reasi continues, teams of district police Reasi lays special nakas and raided different passes in Pir Panjal ranges & arrested 21 bovine smugglers while rescuing 124 bovines being illegally transported from their possession.
Team of Police Station Mahore foiled major bovines smuggling bid, rescued 45 cattles, arrested 09 accused persons, seized  4 Vehicles involved in illegally transporting bovines.
Team of police station Mahore during series of raids, surprise nakas & apprehended 08 bovine smugglers namely 01) Mohd Sadiq S/O Bashir Ahmad R /O Banna tehsil Chassana 2) Malook S/O Ab Rashid R/O Channa tehsil Chassana 3) Bashir Ahmed S/O Ghulam Qadir R/O Neosi Channa tehsil Chassana 4) Mohd Shafi S/O Mehindyia R/O Larh Gulabgarh tehsil Mahore, 5) Mohd Younis S/O Mohd Hafiz R/O Channa Chassana & drivers of Vehicles  Mahindra make bearing  registration no Jk20A/0963 6) Altaf Hussain S/O Ghulam Mohd R/O Tukson  tehsil Mahore, driver of vehicle no Jk20B/1484,   07) Shabir Ahmed S/O Mohd Yaqoob R/O Channa Chassana driver vehicle no Jk20/1137 08) Ajaz Ahmed S/O Mohd Shafi R/O Mallan Jamlan Mahore, driver vehicle no Jk20B/2926 from village Bradsheeli Angralla and rescued 25 bovine animals from their possession. In this regard Case FIR number 47/2021 u/s 188 IPC and 11(1) PCA Act stands registered and investigation set in.
Another bovine Smugglar namely Javed Hussain S/O Mohd Iqbal R/O Shajroo is apprehended from Bandinar Khour Gulabghar and 20 bovine animals are rescued from  his possession. In this regard case FIR No 48/21 U/S 188/IPC stand registered at Police Station Mahore and investigation set in.
Teams of Police Station Arnas in a series of raids arrested 09 bovines smugglers while foiling six separate bovines smuggling bids in Arnas Areas and rescued 31 bovines from their possession.
FIR numbers 68, 70, 71, 72, 73 and 74/ 2021 U/S 188 IPC, 11 PC Act stands registered at Police Station Arnas while rescuing 31 bovines from the possession of 09 bovines  smugglers who are arrested. Accused persons arrested are Mohd Shaheen S/O Shabir Ahmed R/O Hariwala,
Shabir Ahmed S/O Ab. Rashid R/O Shajroo, Javed Hussain S/O Mohd Iqbal R/O Shajroo
Arshad Shah S/O Yousaf Shah R/O Thilloo,
Akhter Hussain S/O Mohd Sultan R/O Bassan,Thuroo,
Abdul Rashid S/O Ali Mohd R/O Ladda,
Baldev Singh S/O Munshi Ram R/O Gundali,
Mohd Ashraf S/O Makhan R/O Thuroo,
Billu S/O Ali mohd R/O Dhandli
In another incident team of police station Mahore  apprehended one bovine smuggler namely Qamar Din S/O Ghulam Nabi R/O Shajroo Tehsil Mahore from village Ramakumda and rescued 19 bovines from his possession. In this regard a case FIR number 51/2021 u/s 188 IPC stands registered at Police Station Mahore investigation set in.
Two bovine smugglers namely  Abdul Hamid S/O Mohd kaamal R/O Shibras Tehsil Mahore, Mohd Iqbal S/O Abdul Rashid R/O Neoch Tehsil Mahore from village Adital Gulabgrah tehsil Mahore and rescued 29 bovine animals from their possession. In this regard Case FIR no 52/2021 U/S 188 IPC stand registered and investigation.
On preliminary stage of investigation, it has been found that bovines were carried from different areas & collected at single points & were to be smuggled across valley on vehicles as well as through mountain-passes on foot too.
Team Reasi under the Command of Sh Shailender Singh SSP has established zero Tolerance towards Bovines Smuggling and In the current season of nomads movement, 386 cattle are rescued in 42 case FIR’s registered against bovines smuggling in which 75 accused has been booked since April 2021.

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