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Won by one, a great victory of Naftali Bennett in political history of Israel : Bhim

Jammu, June 14, 2021:Prof.Bhim Singh, President, National Panthers Party congratulated Mr. Naftali Bennett on his great victory in the history of 73 years old Israel which was created by the then 56 Members of United Nations in 1948. Prof. Bhim Singh knew Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu personally and also interviewed him in Jerusalem when Netanyahu was fighting for power in Israel.

Victory of Mr. Naftali Bennett was a great surprise not only for the citizens of Israel but for the whole world. Mr. Naftali Bennett shall also be surprised on his own victory as a Prime Minister of Israel being a Member of the Minority Party of Jewish.

Prof.Bhim Singh congratulated all small about 11 political groups belonging to different schools of thought rather than opposite schools of thought joined hands against Netanyahu and elected Mr. Naftali Bennett only by one vote–a great history and unbelievable political history which Israel has written on the pages of democracy.

Prof.Bhim Singh hoped that Arabs and Right Jewish parties shall keep up one vote victory up for the remaining period of the Israeli Parliament– Knesset.

Prof.Bhim Singh also hoped that the Arabs and Jews in Israel shall follow the United Nations Resolution vis-à-vis Israel directing Israel to withdraw from the Arab (Palestinian) territories. Prof.Bhim Singh, who visited Palestine, Jerusalem and Israel several times, wrote books on the situation and has been fighting in support of Palestinian rights and strict implementation of all Resolutions of the United Nations directing Israel to withdraw from all Palestinian territories.

Prof.Bhim Singh remained a fast friend of Palestine Hero, Yasir Arafat who had succeeded to gain support of U.S. President Mr. Bill Clinton who invited Yasir Arafat to the White House to shake hands with Israeli Prime Minister in 2000.

Prof.Bhim Singh said it is unfortunate today that the Indian ruling leadership has changed its foreign policy and is riding Israeli horse today. Expressed hope that Israeli leadership, for its own survival, shall shake hands with all the residents of Israel and Palestine so that peace shall return to the conflict-torn land of great Prophets and all Palestinians shall live in peace in their own land, Palestine.

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