Tirupati Balaji Mandir’s inauguration deepens the spirit of Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat
Omkar Dattatray

With much fanfare and enthusiasm Sri Venkateswara Swamy temple of Tirupati Devasthanams was dedicated and opened for the devotees in a high profile inauguration function called Samprokshanam on Thursday at Majeen Jammu outskirts .The Samprokshanam was attended and graced by LG Sinah ,union minister for culture and tourism G.kishan Reddy ,Dr Jitender Singh MOS and UT government chief secretary and a galaxy of officers and personalities .The temple will reinforce the often repeated belief and practice that from Kashmir to Kanyakumari India is one and will give more strength to this belief .This famous temple will be a centre of spirituality and sanatan traditions said the union minister Reddy .The LG Manoj Sinha commented that the dedication of the Lord Venkateswara temple will strengthen and give impetuous to religious tourism circuit in J&K and also give boost to spiritual tourism and the temple will give major fillip to economic development and increase employment opportunities for the local youth .Therefore the dedication of this temple to the public will brighten the religious and spiritual tourism besides boosting cultural and economic development .
LG further said that under the able leadership of PM Modi Jammu and Kashmir is witnessing faster economic development and revival of culture in amrit Kaal .The UT is touching new heights of glory ,divinity and development in its eternal journey .According to MOS Dr Jitendra Singh this vikas Tirth is the celebration of India’s unity in diversity and also signifies the PM’s vision of Ek Bharat,Shreshtha Bharat .The inauguration of the temple is the historical moment and milestone in the cultural ,religious ,spiritual and even economic development of Jammu and Kashmir .This temple will be a big religio-tourist pilgrimage and it will attract the devotees from all over India and the pilgrims who will come to visit Mata Vashnov Devi will also visit this temple for its glimpse and the devotees will pay obeisance at this historical temple of Triputi Balaji .The temple will be a centre of spirituality and Sanatan tradition and the sanatan Dharma will be invigorated ,reinforced ,strengthened and its dynamic message will be spread far and wide by the Darshan of this historic temple .

This temple will give strength to the doctrine and belief that India is one from Kashmir and Kanyakumari and the people will also appreciate and acknowledge the belief and practice that from Kashmir to Kanyakumari India is one and this will go a long way in strengthening the unity and diversity and will also lead to national unity and integration and these finer attributes and characteristics of India will be strengthened and get revival .Therefore we can say that the temple of Tirputi Balaji is the best and shining example and a tribute to the living example that from Kashmiri to Kanyakumari India is one and this has got extra ordinary importance for the country’s unity and integrity and will also lead to cultural revival and thus this temple will be a symbol of Eak Bharat ,Shreshtha Bharat and the vision of prime minister will be reinforced and therefore this temple will strengthen and reinforce and give a practical shape to the prime ministers vision and foresight of one India and best India and India will further shine in spirituality ,cultural diversity and national unity and all these finer characteristics will get a boost .
The dedication of this famous temple to devotees is no ordinary feat but is a big and extra ordinary development for the spiritual and religious people of Jammu and Kashmir who will throng this temple for paying obeisance to Lord Venketswara and have a glimpse of this deity .The dedication and opening of the temple of Tirupati Balaje will further strengthen Sanatan Dharma and this temple is a great milestone in Sanatan spiritual journey and therefore this temple will be frequently visited by the devotees and religious cum spiritual tourism will be greatly developed and it is expected that there will be big rush of the pilgrims and religious tourists .This important temple besides primarily been a religious and spiritual destination ,will in the due course became a economic hub for the people of Jammu and Kashmir as it will develop the tourist economy of the UT and give job to the local youth who are directly and indirectly associated with tourism .
Thus this temple will give boost to the tourist economy of the UT besides being a centre of religio-cultural and spiritual ethos .PM Modi wants that the people of India should become modern and have modern taste but remain rooted to their roots and therefore the Tirputi Balaji temple is a step in the direction of connecting to our roots and thus there will be cultural development and our diverse culture will be spread and get strengthened with the opening of this temple complex.PM Modi has rightly said that the coming up of this temples will celebrate the richness of our heritage and will deepen the spirit of ‘Ek Bharat,Shreshtha Bharat ’and this is no ordinary development as it will usher in that whole India is one and that India is the best .It is the historic moment in the Sanatan journey of Jammu and Kashmir and the country as well . Tirupati Balaji temple where lord Vishnu is Known to be residing during the Kali Yuga .
The Tirupati Balaji or Shree Venketshwara Sami Temple is one of the most pivotal landmarks of the Hindu Mythology ,holding a magnificent position in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh .Now a replica of the original temple of Tirupati Balaji has been built in Jammu and it has been dedicated to the public with much fanfare and enthusiasm and a galaxy of big personalities attended the function of the temples dedication and inauguration ceremony .The temple is a best example of unity in diversity and it depicts and furthers this doctrine and principle and therefore unity in diversity will be reinforced and strengthened and this will lead to tolerance and communal harmony in the country .In brief one can say that the Tirupati Balaji temple of Jammu is the living example of unity in diversity and also will further cement the vision of Ek Bharat,Shreshtha Bharat of PM Narendra Modi.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist)