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Sushasan Babu‘s Kushasan in Bihar

Omkar Dattatray

Omkar Dattatray

Janta Dal United chief and chief minister of Bihar is no Sushasan Babu but has definitely become a Kushasan Babu as the state of Bihar is in the grip of misgovernance and his rule thus can be termed as kushasan .There is jungle Raj in Bihar and the law and order is at its worst ebb and there is no fear of law and law enforcing authorities .Corruption is at its highest and ruling roost ,it has become the order of  the day and entering every field of governance .The other day a large under construction bridge of rupees 1700 crore has collapsed and this is bound to affect the poor economy of the state .The unfortunate collapse of an under construction bridge points towards the large and high magnitude corruption and it also shows that in the construction of the bridge required quantity of cement and iron angles were not used and it led to the collapse of the bridge .

It worth noting that the foundation laying ceremony was laid by no less a person than the chief minister in the year 2014 and it shows how important the construction of the said bridge was .The bitter truth that the under construction bridge collapsed and sunk in the waters of Ganga is a sad reflection of the corrupt state of affairs in Bihar .Thus all talk of Nitesh Kumar being a Sushasan Babu is collapsing like a house of cards and this points towards the fact that in Bihar under the dark rule of the JDU chief minister there is wholesale and total corruption in the state which shows that the poor state is reeling into corruption and giving a bad name to the rule of Nitesh Kumar and the BJP and other parties are correct in terming his rule as one of corruption and malpractices and Bihar is in urgent need of an honest rule and ruler who can provide corruption free governance.

The corruption is from top to bottom of the administrative hierarchy and no layer of governance is free from corruption .The misgovernance and misrule of Chaccha Bateja is deep rooted in neck deep corruption and it is time that the people of Bihar should elect an able and good leader to rule them who is far from corruption .It seems that in future election of the state assembly anti incumbency will be the top issue and it will affect the poll results .It has been established that in the construction of the large bridge the cement and iron rods were used in merge quantity and quality and there was malfeasance and maladministration in the construction of the bridge in question and this led to the collapse of the bridge and it sunk in the waters of Ganga and this shows that corruption has seeped in all sectors of public life .

Bihar needs a dynamic and honest leader and chief minister to save the crumbling situation of the state and needs a clean leader who can swim the state to safe shore and this can be done only by a CM of clean image and therefore there is urgent need for an honest chief minister and cabinet ministers to save the state from falling in deep nick corruption .There is total and wholesale corruption and rule of jungle as the law and order situation is debilitating and collapsing like a house of cards .The mafia raj and rowdy elements are calling shorts and are invading different sectors of the state .

Gangesterism rules roost and the common man is afraid of the gonad elements .People are facing the demon and scourge of corruption in an unprecedented manner  and the governance is falling in shreds and all this malpractice and corruption has made the life of the common man a hell and the man in street longs for change .The chaccha Biteja rule has made the life of a common man hell and people want to be rescued from deep rooted corruption and misgovernance as they are neck deep in corruption and misrule .Corruption and misrule has made the life of the commoner a hell and he wants a change .In Bihar’s Bagalpur the bridge of corruption has collapsed in 10 seconds and it points to the worst corruption in the state and it wants freedom from corruption .

The four –lane Sultanganj –Aguani Chat bridge being built across the Ganga in Bihar’s Bhagalpur collapsed roughly 14 months after parts of it had fallen allegedly due to  a loose cable .Videos of the latest collapse have gone viral and sparked fury among the public over poor construction and safety standards .According to sources at least 30 slabs of several pillars including pillar number 9,10 and 11 measuring around 100ft each collapsed and fell into river .Bihar chief minister Nitesh Kumar has ordered a probe into the incident ,just like he did last time when pillar number 4,5 and 6 had collapsed .A loose cable stand was stated to be the reason behind the 2022 incident .

A section of people has also blamed use of poor construction material for the collapse .Nitesh had laid the foundation stone of the bridge on February 23,2014 .The bridge was projected to be completed by March 2020 at the cost of Rs 1710 crore .A Haryana based company had got the contract of the bridge against which the BJP is now seeking action .The incident took place at 6pm on Sunday and no casualties have been reported .Use of sub-par construction material by builders looking to save costs is a major problem in many projects .When bridge collapsed in last year transport minister Nitin Gadkari had blamed low quality construction material while refuting the explanation that wind or fog had caused the structure to fail .How could the bridge collapse due to wind and fog?

There must be some other reason .The construction material used in the bridge must be sub-standard minister said .Prima facie it appears that the quality of construction material is sub standard .During my past inspection also I had found the quality of sand and other materials substandard.JDU MLA from Sultanganj Lalit Narayan Mandal had said at the time .This time too questions have been raised over what type of material was being used for the construction of the bridge .Union minister for power PK Singh said the incident is a clear example of high corruption in the state ‘’It is a living example of corruption and that such a big bridge worth 1717 crore collapsed like cards in the Ganga .This type of incident has definite involvement of leaders ,contractors and connivance of all .

All this suggests that there is neck deep corruption in Bihar and there is misgovernance and misrule as well as malfeasance ruling roost .The state has stooped to Jungle rule and law and order is at its worst .Only God can save Bihar from the present situation and rightly it can be called Kushasan and not Sushasan in any way.

(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist)

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