SSK celebrates Samohik Mahashivratri
Jammu, March 02, 2025: The annual MahaShivratri samaroh was celebrated by Sanjeevani Sharda Kendra today on 2nd March 2025 with all religious fervour & cultural enthusiasm. Chief Guest, Maha-mandleshwar Rameshvar Das ji, Ram Mandir Purani Mandi Jammu, while addressing the large audience, appreciated the Kashmiri Hindu community for retaining & propagating their centuries old religious beliefs & cultural traditions. Swami ji also deliberated on Kashmir Shaivism & put forth his views on the return of the exiled community to Kashmir. He was of a firm view that only then would the Kashmiri Hindu religious ethos survive in future.
Earlier, Dr M.K.Bharat, chairman Sanjeevani Sharda Kendra welcoming, the Chief Guest & Mahant Kameshwar Dass ji of Hanuman Mandir Srinagar and other dignitaries threw light on the celebration of Har Ratri, known as Herath among Kashmiri Hindus. He was of the firm view that snow & rain on the auspicious days of Maha Shivratri was no coincidence and was as per the divine benevolence of MahaDev.
Guest of honour, Sh. Sanjay Raina ji enlightened the rapt audience about the spiritual & social journey of Mata Roop Bhawani. The great saint not only contributed to the spiritual awakening of the Kashmiri Pandit community more than six hundred years back but was also instrumental in directing the beleaguered Pandit samaj to Guru Teg Bahadur ji for their survival. The guest of honour said the pandit samaj holds both in great reverence.
On this occasion the Prerna Chiter (annual calendar) of the Kendra was released and dedicated to saint Allakheshwari Mata Roop Bhawani ji.
The samaroh started with Deep prajwalan & push archana before the deity of Lord Mahadev followed by a varied religio-cultural cum musical events whish regaled the audience and the guests. It started with Ganesh Ashtuti, followed by several bhajans by Sh.Rohit Jee & Sh. Shanti Lal Sidh. The students of Swargam Sangeet Vidhalya held the audience spellbound with their musical & vocal skills. Shiv bajan by Ansuia Dassi & Vanshika Kaw mesmerised all. Anil Ji & Sohan lal ji also rendered Shiv Bajan and Raag Shankar in their melodious voices.
The programme culminated with samoohik Shiv arti.
The proceedings of the programme was conducted by Radhey Sham ji.