Kissan Aur Pahalwan BJP main Sab Pareshan
Omkar Dattatray

The myth of BJP’s Acche Din has exploded as there are no good days in sight for the people as all including wrestlers and farmers are feeling the heat of Modi governments pro rich and anti poor policies .Every section of the society is in trouble and are cursing themselves for having given a strong mandate to the saffron party in 2019 general elections .
Neither its ideological theme and doctrine of Hindu Rashtra was accomplished nor have the people felt relieved by the schemes and policies of the BJP .In the past the farmers had strongly agitated for the MSP and other main issue of repealing the three controversial farm laws but the centre government initially did not budge an inch and declared that the three farm laws were in the interest of the farm community.
Lastly feeling the backlash they repealed these three farm laws again citing the interest of the farm community .Thus most reluctantly had the BJP led NDA government scrapped the controversial three farm laws under the political compulsion and to be more specific for vote bank politics because everything in a democracy is weighed on the touchstone of votes .Earlier BJP and its leaders had tried a lot to impress the farmers that the three laws in question were totally for the good of the farming community but it failed to impress the farmers ,with the result there was a big agitation and movement of the farmers and many precious lives of the farmers were sacrificed at the altar of the three laws and lastly the BJP was forced to give in and annul and take back three controversial laws fearing the political consequences of not taking back the farm laws .For their political gain the BJP took back the farm laws to gain politically .
The farmers agitation had turned into a political movement as it was high jacked by the congress and other political parties and fearing its negative impact the Government was left with no chance but to take back the farm laws .Farmers being the backbone of our agrarian economy ,no government can ignore farmers interests and rights and this realization has come to BJP and they rescinded the three farm laws in the interest of the farming community which constitutes 70% of the country’s population and no political party and government can annoy this important and dominant segment of the Indian society .Now that many issues of the farming community have been resolved, the wrestlers are up against the BJP government because a powerful MP Brij Bushan had tried to molest the women wrestler but the BJP does not take action against its MP forcing the wrestlers to agitate for giving justice to the women wrestler .Indian wrestlers continued their protest against Brij Bushan Sharan Singh ,a BJP ,MP and chief of the wrestling federation of India –WFI ,calling for his ouster and demanding an overhaul of the way the sport is managed in the country.
There is need to know the following things—1-The protesters ,around 30 in number ,include Olympic medalist Sakshi Malik and Bajrang Punia ,world championship medalist Vinesh Phogat .Sarita Mor,Satyawarat Mailk,JItender Kinha and Sangeeta Phogat among others .They have been protesting at Delhi’s iconic Janthar Mantar from last several days.2-The primary demand put forth by the protesting wrestlers is removal of WFI chief Brij Bushan Singh from the post .Singh has held thev top post at the WFI since 2011 ,having been elected for the third consecutive time in 2019.3—Among other things ,Singh and several coaches have been accused of sexual harassment by Vinesh Phogat ,with the wrestler alleging that at least 10 to 12 women wrestlers have been harassed by Singh .While Phogat said that she herself not faced such exploitation ,the 28 year –old claimed that she had received death threats from WFI officials close to Singh for the allegations.4—The protesters have called for the appointment of new coaches and psychos for future training sessions and have asked for the national training centre to be moved to Delhi from Lacknow.5—Singh ,for his part ,had denied ther sexual harassment allegations and has said that he is willing to take his own life if the allegations are proven true.’ ’If such thing has happened ,then I will hang myself—I am ready for any investigation ,the WFI chief said.6—The WFI chief further alleged that the protesters anger stems from their inability to win Olympic medals ,’’The age for delivering the best performance is between 22 to 28 years. These wrestlers who are protesting cannot win an Olympic medal .This is turning into anger and that is why they are protesting .Singh said.7—Proresting wrestlers have demanded an audience with the union Home Minister Amit Shah or PM Narindra Modi .They have refused to divulge further details till such demand is met. ’’We will share all details with them –Shah or Modi .That is our main demand. ’’Punia has said .
Meanwhile three time CWG medalist and BJP leader Babita Phogat came with a message from government and assured the grapplers that their demand will be met .’’I will try to get the solution .I am a wrestler first and then a political person .I know their pain and I will try to get the solution that wrestlers wan t ‘’said Babita.8—Sports ministry meanwhile has taken cognizance of the allegations against Singh and had directed the WFI to ,’’Furnish a reply within 72 hours ,’’If WFI fails to respond to the allegations within the stipulated time period ,the ministry has threatened to .’’initiate action against the federation in terms of the provisions of the National Sports Development Code 2011’’9—Additionally ,the sports ministry has also cancelled the national camp for wrestlers that was slated to start at the SAI centre in Lacknow .10—The Delhi commission for women –DCM ,too ,has issued notices to the ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports and Delhi police ,taking cognizance of Vinesh Phogats allegation .In short all the people from farmers to wrestlers are in agony as they are feeling the heat of the BJP governments pro capitalist and anti farmer and anti wrestler stance .It is clearly obvious that the BJP government by its functioning is distancing itself from the people and it seems that the day will not be too far for teaching the mighty and arrogant a lesson.
(The author is a columnist, social and KP activist)